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Vodpod acquired by Lockerz; Service Continues

Hi omsspolitics,

We're pleased to announce that Lockerz, the leader in rewarded social expression, has acquired VodPod from Remixation, Inc (the company behind Vodpod and Showyou). You will continue to enjoy the same experience you've come to know and love from Vodpod, and in time, will benefit from more innovation as Lockerz further integrates and develops the current service. Lockerz is committed to making any transition smooth and seamless for customers.

Going forward, Remixation will now focus its efforts on Showyou - its video sharing application for iPhone and iPad.

We'd like to thank you for your support and use of VodPod over the past five years. We're excited to see VodPod continue on as the leading video curation service on the Web.


The VodPod and Lockerz Teams

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