|  | Reason.tv: Porkers of the Month for September 2010: Senators Blanche Lincoln and Patty Murray!
Reason.tv presents Citizens Against Government Waste's Porkers of the Month for September 2010: Senators Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.)! At a time when the country is massively in debt, and taxpayers are sick of inefficient and wasteful government spending, these two don't just embrace pork, they've made it a campaign slogan.
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The Battle for the Future: Combating progressive fairy tales "We have to make sure that the most vulnerable people are always protected," says Columbia University professor Marc Lamont Hill. "Everyone benefits when we pay a little bit more to create universal health care. Everyone benefits when we pay a little more to have better public education systems." But as John Stossel explains, progressives like Hill use the word "we" too often. "We" and "government" are not the same. Government isn't "us," Stossel writes, it's them, the policy elite and their patrons.
The Failure of Obama's Stimulus: Big spending has only produced bigger government
No one spends money like the federal government. This year alone, it will shovel out $3.7 trillion, which works out to $7 million a minute. So it may surprise you, writes Steve Chapman, to find out the clearest lesson from the Obama administration's fiscal stimulus program: The government is not very good at spending money.
Hit & Run, Reason's Staff Blog Pledging Their Time, But Not to Cutting the Federal Budget
The Republican Pledge to America is out, appearing at a hardware store near you. As predicted, there is, alas, very little to get excited about. Oaths to make sure that all laws Congress passes are constitutional are laughable (in a Jerry Lewis The Day The Clown Cried kind of way), especially given the way that Supreme Court Justices such as Antonin Scalia interpret the commerce clause. Any "bold" plan for the future that bothers to talk about keeping Gitmo open (or closed, for that matter) is a joke (again, in a Day The Clown Cried sort of way). Promising to read legislation before passing is a good idea coming from the many of the very same folks who bum-rushed The Patriot Act and TARP through on the grounds that if we didn't act immediately, we'd all turn into pillars of salt....
Read the rest here.
Posted by Nick Gillespie http://reason.com/blog/2010/09/23/pledgin-their-time-but-not-to
Daily Brickbat Eat It Two women have filed a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations claiming they were denied service at a Lake Wales bar because they are black. Mildred Richardson and Ida Mae Royal said they went to the bar for a sandwich and when a waitress asked them what they wanted they said they wanted to order lunch. They say the waitress told them they didn't serve food, and they believe that constitutes racial discrimination. The bar's owner, Kerry Winkler, says he doesn't have a food license and no one-regardless of their color-can order lunch there.
http://www.reason.com/brickbat/ |
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