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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Plants Near Chernobyl Adapt To Contaminated Soil
* FCC Set To Finalize Rules For Next-Gen Wireless
* UK Goverment IT Chief Backs Open Source Suppliers
* AMD One-Ups Intel With Cheap Desktop Chips
* Martian Meteorite Gets NASA Mars Rover's Attention
* Google Sues Dodgy Advertisers
* Countering a DMCA Takedown In the Magnet Wars
* Stallman Crashes Talk, Fights 'War On Sharing'
* UK Man Prevented From Finding Chipped Pet Under Data Protection Act
* YouTube Wins vs. Telecinco In Spain
* Scientists Find New Target For Alzhiemer's
* Security Lessons Learned From the Diaspora Launch
* Some Countries Want To Ban 'Information Weapons'
* Marvell Launches First Triple-Core Hybrid ARM Chip
* Preliminary Finding Invalidates VoIP Patent
* iPads On American Campuses? Maybe Next Year
* Is the Web Heading Toward Redirect Hell?
* Copyright License Fees Drive Pandora Out of Canada
* China Embargos Rare Earth Exports To Japan
* Facebook Is Down
* NSA Chief Wants Internet Partitioned For Government, 'Critical' Industries
* E-Books Are Only 6% of Printed Book Sales
| Plants Near Chernobyl Adapt To Contaminated Soil |
| from the it's-what-plants-crave dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 22, @20:12 (Science) |
lbalbalba writes "In April 1986, a nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl power
plant in Ukraine exploded and sent radioactive particles flying through
the air, infiltrating the surrounding soil. Despite the colossal
disaster, some [0]plants in the area seem to have adapted well,
flourishing in the contaminated soil."
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| FCC Set To Finalize Rules For Next-Gen Wireless |
| from the listen-to-the-law dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 22, @21:51 (Businesses) |
GovTechGuy writes "The FCC's agenda for Thursday includes a vote on
[0]the final rules for unlicensed devices making use of unused TV
spectrum known as 'white spaces.' Industry and lawmakers have predicted
the opening up of the white spaces could result in the biggest leaps
forward in wireless technology in the past 25 years. Among the benefits
is so-called 'WiFi on Steroids' which allows a large number of users
within a 50-mile radius to tap into a single high-speed broadband
connection for the same price as a traditional WiFi router. The FCC is
expected to approve the move, but Google and other companies warn that
the devil is in the technical details of the rules."
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| UK Goverment IT Chief Backs Open Source Suppliers |
| from the open-up dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 22, @23:51 (Government) |
Blacklaw writes "The UK government's deputy Chief Information Officer has
outlined plans to [0]hand public sector IT contracts over to small
businesses and suppliers of open-source and cloud-based solutions in an
attempt to balance the books. Speaking at the 360IT conference in London
on Wednesday, Bill McCluggage also promised greater transparency over IT
procurement, with tenders and contracts published online. Outlining a
commitment to 'simplify, standardize and automate', McCluggage said the
government would make it easier for open-source suppliers to compete for
contracts, making the public sector less reliant on individual suppliers,
or locked into proprietary systems."
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| AMD One-Ups Intel With Cheap Desktop Chips |
| from the price-war dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 23, @02:15 (AMD) |
CWmike writes "Advanced Micro Devices on Tuesday [0]announced inexpensive
desktop microprocessors with up to six cores to put pricing pressure on
rival Intel. AMD's new chips include the fastest AMD Phenom II X6 1075T
six-core processor, which is priced 'under $250' for 1,000 units, AMD
said. AMD also introduced a range of dual-core and quad-core Athlon II
and Phenom II desktop microprocessors priced between $76 and $185. By
comparison, Intel's cheapest six-core processor is the Core i7-970
processor, which is priced at $885 per 1,000 units, according to a price
list on Intel's website."
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| Martian Meteorite Gets NASA Mars Rover's Attention |
| from the would-you-look-at-that dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 23, @05:17 (NASA) |
coondoggie writes "NASA's Mars rover Opportunity will [0]take a small
detour on its current journey to check out what could be a toaster-sized
iron-based meteorite that crashed into the Red Planet. NASA scientists
called the rock 'Oile��n Ruaidh,' which is the Gaelic name for an island
off the coast of northwestern Ireland. The rock is about 45 centimeters
(18 inches) wide from the angle at which it was first seen on September
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| Google Sues Dodgy Advertisers |
| from the we-said-don't-be-evil dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 23, @07:57 (Google) |
| |
[0]angry tapir writes "Google is at its wit's end dealing with illegal
sellers of prescription drugs that market medicines on its ad network, so
it has decided to [1]take some of these allegedly rogue advertisers to
court. Rogue prescription drug sellers have increased in number and
become more sophisticated in their dealings, and 'a small percentage' of
them have been able to dodge Google's efforts to block them from running
ads on its network, according to the company."
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| Countering a DMCA Takedown In the Magnet Wars |
| from the not-attractive dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @08:42 (Businesses) |
An anonymous reader writes "[0]Zen Magnets, a maker of neodymium magnet
toys, has been under assault by the much larger and better distributed
Buckyballs, maker of a nearly identical toy. After Zen Magnets listed a
couple of eBay auctions with a set of Buckyballs and a set of their own,
asking customers to decide which was of higher quality, Buckyballs
replied with a legal threat. Zen Magnets [1]countered with an open video
response, in which they presented the voicemail from Buckyballs and
demonstrated their claims of quality through repeatable, factual tests,
providing quantitative data to back up their assertions. Soon after,
Buckyballs CEO Jake Bronstein got the video taken down from YouTube via a
DMCA takedown, despite the fact that the only elements not made by Zen
Magnets are the voicemail he left and some images of himself, which are
low-resolution and publicly available online. Zen Magnets has [2]decided
to file a counter-takedown notice ��� not effective yet apparently, since
the [3]video is still marked as taken down." Slashdot's sister company
ThinkGeek sells Buckyballs. No, we don't get kickbacks, but we totally
Update: 09/23 13:23 GMT by [4]KD : Reader [5]Coopjust (872796) points out
one place where the [6]disputed video has been mirrored.
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| Stallman Crashes Talk, Fights 'War On Sharing' |
| from the no-problem dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @09:29 (Australia) |
schliz writes "Free software activist Richard Stallman has called for the
[0]end of the 'war on sharing' at the World Computer Congress in
Brisbane, Australia. He criticized surveillance, censorship, restrictive
data formats, and software-as-a-service in a keynote presentation, and
asserted that digital society had to be 'free' in order to be a benefit,
and not an attack. Earlier in the conference, Stallman had briefly
[1]interrupted a European Patent Office presentation with a placard that
said: 'Don't get caught in software patent thickets.' He [2]told
journalists that the Patent Office was 'here to campaign in favor of
software patents in Australia,' arguing that 'there's no problem that
requires a solution with anything like software patents.'"
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| UK Man Prevented From Finding Chipped Pet Under Data Protection Act |
| from the clause-22 dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 23, @09:50 (Government) |
Dave Moorhouse was elated when he was informed that a microchip provider
had information on the whereabouts of his stolen dog. This joy soon faded
when the company informed him that [0]it could not divulge the Jack
Russell terrier's location because it would breach the Data Protection
Act. Last week a court agreed with the chip company and refused Mr
Moorhouse's request for a court order compelling them to reveal the name
and address of the new owners. Steven Wildridge, managing director of the
chip company said: ���This is not a choice, it���s an obligation under the
Data Protection Act. If the individuals involved do not want us to pass
on their details to the original owner then we cannot do so unless
compelled to following a criminal or civil proceeding."
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| YouTube Wins vs. Telecinco In Spain |
| from the uncommon-sense dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @10:12 (Google) |
| |
eldavojohn writes "A Spanish judge has [0]dismissed a case brought
against YouTube by Spanish television station Telecinco for violating
Telecinco's intellectual property. The ruling reads in part: 'YouTube is
not a supplier of content and therefore has no obligation to control
ex-ante the illegality of those. Its only obligation is to cooperate with
the holders of the rights in order to immediately withdraw the content
once the infraction is identified.' Telecinco brought the case against
YouTube when it found that episodes of its television programs were
turning up on YouTube prior to their official air and release date on
their television channel. Things are looking up for Google's video
service as [1]YouTube was granted safe harbor from Viacom earlier this
year in the United States. You can find [2]an official response from
Google on their EU Policy Blog."
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| Scientists Find New Target For Alzhiemer's |
| from the good-news-i-forget-why dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @10:55 (Medicine) |
GarryFre writes "Neurological researchers at Rush University Medical
Center have found a new therapeutic target that can potentially lead to a
[0]new way to prevent the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The target
called neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) is a protein which, when
activated, can cause a chain of reactions in the cell leading to neuronal
death and memory loss. Already a substance has been found that shows some
promise in halting the progression of the disease."
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| Security Lessons Learned From the Diaspora Launch |
| from the off-the-rails dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @11:41 (Open Source) |
patio11 writes "Diaspora, the privacy-respecting OSS social network, did
a [0]code release last week. Attention immediately [1]focused on security.
In fact the code base included several severe security bugs. This post
walks through the code, [2]showing what went wrong, and what it would let
an attacker do to someone who was using Diaspora." The developer who
wrote the post ends with: "You might believe in the powers of OSS to
gather experts (or at least folks who have shipped a Rails app, like
myself) to Diaspora���s banner and ferret out all the issues. You might
also believe in magic code-fixing fairies. Personally, I���d be praying for
the fairies because if Diaspora is dependent on the OSS community their
users are screwed."
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| Some Countries Want To Ban 'Information Weapons' |
| from the treaty-to-suppress dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @12:22 (Government) |
DrgnDancer sends in an NPR piece on recent [0]efforts to control
so-called "information weapons" on the Internet. What's interesting is
that the term "information weapon," as defined by many of the countries
trying to limit them, doesn't mean what you would think. It's closer to
the old Soviet term "ideological aggression." "At a UN disarmament
conference in 2008, Sergei Korotkov of the Russian Defense Ministry
argued that anytime a government promotes ideas on the Internet with the
goal of subverting another country's government ��� even in the name of
democratic reform ��� it should qualify as 'aggression.' And that, in turn,
would make it illegal under the UN Charter. 'Practically any information
operation conducted by a state or a number of states against another
state would be qualified as an interference into internal affairs,'
Korotkov said through an interpreter. 'So any good cause, like [the]
promotion of democracy, cannot be used as a justification for such
actions.' The Russians, and a lot of other countries such as Iran and
China, apparently consider the free exchange of information to be an
information technology threat. One that must be managed by treaty."
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| Marvell Launches First Triple-Core Hybrid ARM Chip |
| from the just-a-trickle dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @13:04 (Hardware) |
Blacklaw passes along an excerpt from that begins "While
other manufacturers are content to develop dual-core ARM processors,
Marvell has gone one better ��� literally ��� with a [0]new triple-core chip
called the Armada 628. The system-on-chip design, based on ARM's v7 MP
series, features two dedicated 1.5GHz processing cores plus a third
624MHz core in a single application processor ��� making Marvell the first
company to bring such a beast to market. While two of the cores are a
pretty standard SMP setup, as seen in other dual-core ARM
implementations, the third is a standalone processor designed for
ultra-low-power draw. The idea behind such a design is that when the
system is idle, or only running a low-performance application on a single
thread, it can shut off the dual-core portion and save oodles of power."
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| Preliminary Finding Invalidates VoIP Patent |
| from the most-wanted dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 23, @13:47 (Patents) |
netbuzz writes "After a [0]review, the US Patent Office has issued a
preliminary finding that the Electronic Frontier Foundation calls 'an
important [1]first step in busting a patent that stifles innovation and
the use of VoIP as a free speech tool.' (Here is the [2]EFF's press
release.) C2 Communications has used the patent to extract one-time
payments from the likes of AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest."
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| iPads On American Campuses? Maybe Next Year |
| from the please-don't-overcommit dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @14:29 (Education) |
Velcroman1 writes "Slashdotters have read extensively about the iPad
pilot programs at colleges and universities: [0]Australian schools are
iPad crazy, we read yesterday, and thanks to the iPad's success, [1]2011
will be the year of the tablet. But on US college campuses almost half a
year after the iPad's launch, it's a whole different story ��� at least so
far this year. reports that high-profile schools like [2]Duke
and Stanford are far more cautious about the device than has previously
been reported. 'It definitely facilitates studying and recall because you
don't get bogged down by all the paper,' noted first-year Stanford med
student Ryan Flynn. But it's still a work in progress. 'The iPad isn't
the best input device. Some people have gone back to paper and pencil.'"
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| Is the Web Heading Toward Redirect Hell? |
| from the here-let-me-bounce-you-a-few-times dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @15:09 (Google) |
| |
[0]Ant snips from Royal Pingdom this excerpt: "Google is doing it.
Facebook is doing it. Yahoo is doing it. Microsoft is doing it. And soon
Twitter will be doing it. We're talking about the apparent [1]need of
every web service out there to add intermediate steps to sample what we
click on before they send us on to our real destination. This has been
going on for a long time and is slowly starting to build into something
of a redirect hell on the Web. And it has a price."
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| Copyright License Fees Drive Pandora Out of Canada |
| from the bargaining-chip dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @15:51 (Canada) |
An anonymous reader writes "Online streaming music services such as
Pandora are [0]abandoning plans to launch in Canada, claiming licensing
fees are too high: 'These rates ... are astronomical,' Tim Westergren,
founder of California-based Pandora, wrote in an email to The Canadian
Press. The agency that collects music royalties in Canada on behalf of
record companies and performing artists wants to charge web-based music
sites that stream to mobile devices the greater of two figures: 45 per
cent of the site's gross revenues in Canada or 7.5-tenths of a cent for
every song streamed. Meanwhile, record labels are blaming the lack of
online music services in Canada on piracy: 'Why would you spend a lot of
money trying to build a service in Canada when Canadians take so much
without paying for it?' said Graham Henderson, president of the Canadian
Recording Industry Association, which represents major record labels."
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| China Embargos Rare Earth Exports To Japan |
| from the synthesize-this-buddy dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @16:39 (Businesses) |
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The NY Times reports that the Chinese government
has placed a trade [1]embargo on all exports to Japan of a crucial
category of minerals used in products like hybrid cars, wind turbines and
guided missiles. China mines 93 percent of the world's rare earth
minerals, and more than 99 percent of the world's supply of some of the
most prized rare earths, which sell for several hundred dollars a pound.
The embargo comes after a dispute over Japan's detention of a Chinese
fishing trawler captain whose ship collided with two Japanese coast guard
vessels as he tried to fish in waters controlled by Japan but long
claimed by China. The Chinese embargo is likely to have immediate
repercussions in Washington. The House Committee on Science and
Technology is scheduled to review a detailed bill to subsidize the
revival of the American rare earths industry and the House Armed Services
Committee is scheduled to review the American military dependence on
Chinese rare earth elements."
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| Facebook Is Down |
| from the is-life-without-scrabble-life-at-all? dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @17:26 (Social Networks) |
| |
Phil_at_EvilNET writes "Jeff Bertolucci of PC World reports: 'Thousands
of Facebook users this afternoon (US Pacific Time) are reporting that
[0]the popular social networking site is down. It's unclear when the
outage began. PCWorld has not been able to reach Facebook for comment,
but Mashable reports the company has confirmed the outage.'"
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| NSA Chief Wants Internet Partitioned For Government, 'Critical' Industries |
| from the little-cubbies-for-everything dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @18:11 (Government) |
GovTechGuy writes "NSA chief Keith Alexander, also the head of the US
Cyber Command told reporter that he would like to see the creation of a
[0]secure zone on the Internet for government and critical private sector
industries such as utility companies and the financial sector. Alexander
has repeatedly emphasized the dramatic nature of the cyber threat facing
American networks and his comments were a further sign that the Pentagon
does not think the war against foreign hackers can be won. Alexander
denied the military has any role in safeguarding civilian networks
currently, but didn't rule out the option in the future."
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| E-Books Are Only 6% of Printed Book Sales |
| from the can't-fool-me-project-gutenberg dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 23, @18:53 (Books) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "MIT's technology blog argues that ebook sales
represent '[0]only six pecent of the total market for new books.' It
cites [1]a business analysis which calculates that by mid-July, Amazon
had sold 15.6 million hardcover books versus 22 million ebooks, but with
sales of about 48 million more paperback books. Amazon recently announced
they sell [2]180 ebooks for every 100 hardcover books, but when
paperbacks are counted, [3]ebooks represent just 29.3% of all Amazon's
book sales. And while Amazon holds about 19% of the book market, they
[4]currently represent 90% of all ebook sales ��� suggesting that ebooks
represent a tiny fraction of all print books sold. 'Many tech pundit
wants books to die,' argues MIT's Christopher Mims, citing the head of
Microsoft's ClearType team, who says 'I'd be glad to ditch thousands of
paper- and hard-backed books from my bookshelves. I'd rather have them
all on an iPad.' But while Nicholas Negroponte predicts the death of the
book within five years, Mims argues that 'it's just as likely that as the
ranks of the early adopters get saturated, adoption of ebooks will
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