|  | eMeg Uses Skill Set to Dissect California: Meg Whitman's plan for the Golden State is too grown-up California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman speaks repeatedly about offering "grown-up" solutions to the Golden State's fiscal problems. But after reading her new campaign book MEG 2010, Senior Editor Tim Cavanaugh says Whitman's proposals are pre-pubescent. If you think extreme times call for meager measures, Cavanaugh writes, then Whitman is the governor for you.
Reason.tv: NBC's Education Nation Summit - Joe Trippi, Michelle Rhee, & More Now that the final bell has rung on NBC's week-long Education Nation conference, we can ask the extra credit question: When did school choice go mainstream? The "summit," held at NBC's New York studios at Rockefeller Center, almost felt like a publicity junket for Waiting for Superman, a highly praised new documentary advocating for charter schools. A national TV audience watched as D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee chewed out teachers union honcho Randi Weingarten for spending $1 million in campaign funds to halt Rhee's reform agenda. Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski took a shot at Weingarten for resisting merit pay for teachers. And what to make of former Howard Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi working to promote National School Choice Week, slated for January 2011? Will Democrats turn their newfound zeal for school choice into policies that actually banish unions from the classroom and empower parents and students? Reason.tv's Michael Moynihan went to Education Nation to find out.
Click here to watch.
Read Our Complete October Issue! Our entire October issue is now available online. Don't miss Matt Welch on reclaiming rights from the government, Brian Doherty on how the Second Amendment finally became a civil right, and Tim Cavanaugh on public employees vs. the public will, plus our complete Citings and Briefly Noted Sections, the Artifact, and much more.
Hit & Run, Reason's Staff Blog School Money Math Never Adds Up Quite Right
Today at National Review , Rich Lowry does some education money math on the occasion of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's $100 million gift to Newark public schools. He is pessimistic about the possibility that more money-even private money geared toward reform-can make much of a dent in one of the worst performing school systems in the country....
Read the rest here.
Posted by Katherine Mangu-Ward http://reason.com/blog/2010/10/01/school-money-math-never-adds-u
Daily Brickbat Hardened Criminals England's The Sunday Telegraphreports that local governments are fining residents up to £110 for putting recyclables in the wrong bin or putting bins out on the wrong day. By contrast, the newspaper reports, the fine for shoplifting is £80.
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