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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* 2010 Ig Nobel Winners Announced
* Xmarks May Not Be Dead After All
* Blizzard Rolls Out Real ID Privacy Options
* Code Repository Atlassian Buys Competitor BitBucket
* Micro-Transactions Coming To <em>Team Fortress 2</em> Via Steam Wallet
* Jaguar's Hybrid Jet-Powered Concept Car
* House Democrats Shelve Net Neutrality Proposal
* Google Releases New Image Format Called WebP
* Senate Votes To Turn Down Volume On TV Commercials
* Amazon Building Its Own Android App Market?
* Amid Controversy, EA Pulls Taliban From <em>Medal of Honor</em> Multiplayer
* Animal Farms Are Pumping Up Superbugs
* New York To Spend $27.5 Million Uncapitalizing Street Signs
* BlackBerry's Encryption Hacked; Backups Now a Risk
* Microsoft To Charge Phone Makers a Licensing Fee
* Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted
* Linux Kernel Development 3rd Ed
* Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Developed From Skin Cells
* Microsoft Sues Motorola Over Android-Related Patent Infringement
* 1,200 NASA Layoffs, Shuttle Fuel Tank Plant Shuts Down
* SEC Blames Computer Algorithm For 'Flash Crash'
* Stuxnet Analysis Backs Iran-Israel Connection
* Many Top iPhone Apps Collect Unique Device ID
| 2010 Ig Nobel Winners Announced |
| from the whale-snot dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 30, @21:51 (It's funny. Laugh.) |
| |
Velcroman1 writes "Having trouble breathing? Try riding a roller-coaster.
Really. A pair of Dutch researchers who discovered that the symptoms of
asthma can be treated with a roller-coaster ride are among [0]this year's
winners of the Ig Nobel awards, the infamous annual tribute to scientific
research that seems wacky ��� but also has real world applications. has [1]interviews with several award winners, who are all
ecstatic to win, despite the fact that they're all gently being poked fun
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| Xmarks May Not Be Dead After All |
| from the call-from-the-governor dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday September 30, @23:49 (Businesses) |
| |
gatorfan sends word that Xmarks, which [0]announced its upcoming closure
a few days back, may not be so dead after all. The outcry from people
willing to pay for the service was so loud that the company has now
posted a [1]pledge that users can sign if they are willing to pay for the
service, and they say that they have fielded inquiries from several
organizations who might be willing to buy the company's assets and keep
the service going.
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| Blizzard Rolls Out Real ID Privacy Options |
| from the step-in-the-right-direction dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @01:13 (Privacy) |
tacarat writes "The last time Blizzard mentioned their new [0]Real ID
system, there was a strong backlash from users over privacy issues.
Blizzard reconsidered their plans to require real names for forums, and
little has been heard about it since. Now, [1]they've announced new
privacy settings, allowing users to limit how their name gets shared or
to disable the system entirely. Quoting: 'These options provide Real ID
users with additional tools for customizing the service based on their
preferences, enabling the ability to opt in or out of the Real ID
"Friends of Friends" and "Add Facebook Friends" features or to turn off
Real ID altogether.'"
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| Code Repository Atlassian Buys Competitor BitBucket |
| from the lazy-shrug dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday October 01, @02:44 (Software) |
Roblimo writes "Wow. Atlassian sent press releases out about this, and
[0]we're happy for them. But isn't [1]Git easy to install and use ��� for
free, even if your project is proprietary and secret, not open source and
public? Whatever. Some people seem to feel better about proprietary
software than about FOSS, and the majority of Atlassian's business comes
from meeting the needs of behind-the-firewall, proprietary code
repositories. At least Atlassian has free versions of its repository for
FOSS and small-scale proprietary developers. Which is sort of nice."
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| Micro-Transactions Coming To <em>Team Fortress 2</em> Via Steam Wallet |
| from the how-many-hats-can-you-get-for-a-dollar dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @04:20 (The Almighty Buck) |
whoop writes "Valve has announced that Team Fortress 2 will be getting a
new [0]Mann Co. Store to buy trinkets with real money through a service
called Steam Wallet. TF2 is the first game to use this new Steam Wallet,
but the money can be spent on anything in Steam, including full games.
This would open them up to featuring gift cards, micro-transaction games,
and more." PC Gamer has an interview with Valve's Robin Walker about
[1]why they're doing this. Walker says everything they're selling will
still be obtainable by playing the game, other than a few cosmetic items.
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| Jaguar's Hybrid Jet-Powered Concept Car |
| from the do-want dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday October 01, @05:35 (Power) |
An anonymous reader writes "Jaguar has developed a [0]hybrid car that
runs on gas turbines. The range extended vehicle usually uses four
electric motors (one on each wheel) plus a lithium-ion battery pack for
propulsion, but can achieve a performance boost from a pair of gas
turbines mounted in the rear. Cnet UK reports the car can do 0-60 mph in
3.4 sec. (and 50-90 mph in 2.3 sec.) and reach 205 mph while emitting
less CO2 than a Toyota Prius."
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| House Democrats Shelve Net Neutrality Proposal |
| from the neutron-walks-into-a-bar dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday October 01, @08:34 (The Internet) |
crimeandpunishment writes "A compromise on net neutrality appears to be
as likely as Google and China becoming BFFs. House Democrats have
[0]pulled the plug on efforts to work out a compromise among phone,
cable, and Internet companies. House Commerce Committee Chairman Henry
Waxman, who shelved the proposal late on Wednesday in the face of
Republican opposition, said, 'If Congress can't act, the FCC must,' and
called this development 'a loss for consumers.' Internet companies and
public interest groups say the new regulations are needed to keep phone
and cable companies from playing favorites with traffic, while those
companies insist they need flexibility so high-bandwidth applications
don't slow down their systems." The net neutrality debate seems to have
fallen victim to the [1]extreme polarization evident in the larger
political culture.
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| Google Releases New Image Format Called WebP |
| from the pixelating-the-web dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @09:15 (Google) |
An anonymous reader writes "Google has released [0]WebP, a lossy [1]image
format based on the image encoding used by VP8 (the video codec used in
Google's [2]WebM video format) to compress keyframes. [3]According to the
FAQ, WebP achieves an average 39% more compression than JPEG and JPEG
2000 while maintaining image quality. A gallery on the WebP homepage has
a selection of images which [4]compare the original JPEG image with the
WebP encoded image shown as a PNG. There's no information available yet
on which browsers will support the WebP image format, but I imagine it
will be all the browsers which currently have native WebM support ���
Firefox, Chrome, and Opera." [5]Independent analysis of WebP is available
[6]from a few different sources.
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| Senate Votes To Turn Down Volume On TV Commercials |
| from the dear-god-yes-please dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Friday October 01, @10:00 (Advertising) |
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Ever since television caught on in the 1950s, the
FCC has been getting complaints about blaring commercials but concluded
in 1984 there was no fair way to write regulations controlling the
'apparent loudness' of commercials. Now the AP reports that the Senate
has unanimously passed a bill to [1]require television stations and cable
companies to keep commercials at the same volume as the programs they
interrupt using industry guidelines on how to process, measure and
transmit audio in a uniform way. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a
co-sponsor, says it's time to stop the use of loud commercials to startle
viewers into paying attention. 'TV viewers should be able to watch their
favorite programs without fear of losing their hearing when the show goes
to a commercial.' The House has already passed similar legislation, so
before the new measure becomes law, minor differences between the two
versions have to be worked out when Congress returns to Washington after
the November 2 election."
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| Amazon Building Its Own Android App Market? |
| from the rekindling-their-handheld-hopes dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @10:43 (Businesses) |
Thinkcloud writes "Speculation abounds that [0]Amazon is planning their
own storefront for selling Android apps, one in which they, not the
developers, will [1]set the price and decide which apps to feature (and
which apps to exclude from the store all together). It's a shrewd move
and smart strategy for Amazon, though its impact on app sellers is less
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| Amid Controversy, EA Pulls Taliban From <em>Medal of Honor</em> Multiplayer |
| from the pr-departments-do-not-develop-games dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @11:24 (The Military) |
Last month we discussed news that upcoming shooter Medal of Honor would
allow players to take the role of Taliban forces in multiplayer games,
causing [0]no small amount of consternation among political groups and
military supporters. Now, [1]Electronic Arts and developer Danger Close
have bowed to pressure and announced that [2]the Taliban side would
simply be referred to as "opposing force." Quoting executive producer
Greg Goodrich: "The majority of this feedback has been overwhelmingly
positive. For this, the Medal of Honor team is deeply appreciative.
However, we have also received feedback from friends and families of
fallen soldiers who have expressed concern over the inclusion of the
Taliban in the multiplayer portion of our game. This is a very important
voice to the Medal of Honor team. This is a voice that has earned the
right to be listened to. It is a voice that we care deeply about. ...
While this change should not directly affect gamers, as it does not
fundamentally alter the gameplay, we are making this change for the men
and women serving in the military and for the families of those who have
paid the ultimate sacrifice ��� this franchise will never willfully
disrespect, intentionally or otherwise, your memory and service.
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| Animal Farms Are Pumping Up Superbugs |
| from the i-blame-napolean dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @12:07 (Medicine) |
| |
oxide7 writes "The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once famously said,
'That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.' That may or may not be
true for human beings, but it is certainly true for bacteria. The
superbugs are among us and they are not leaving. Indeed, they are growing
stronger. 'The problem is that [0]the animal agriculture industry makes
massive use of low-dose antibiotics for growth promotion and in place of
effective infection prevention methods,' Young said, adding that the farm
animal population is much larger than the human population. The low-dose
antibiotics do not kill the disease. They make the disease stronger, more
resistant to those and other antibiotics. The animals ��� the cattle, pigs
and chickens ��� thus treated become superbug factories. The diseases stay
in them and they wash off them to infect the surrounding environment."
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| New York To Spend $27.5 Million Uncapitalizing Street Signs |
| from the beware-the-big-letters dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday October 01, @12:48 (Government) |
250,000 street signs in New York City feature street names in capital
letters only, which is not the national standard. Having no other issues
on the table, The New York City Department of Transportation has decided
to fix the problem and [0]put up proper signs featuring both capital and
lower-case letters at a cost of $27.5 million. The Transportation
Department hopes to have the job completed by 2018 with 11,000 of the
most important improperly capitaled signs fixed by the end of the year.
Catastrophe averted.
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| BlackBerry's Encryption Hacked; Backups Now a Risk |
| from the good-news-for-india dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @12:51 (Encryption) |
GMGruman writes "InfoWorld blogger Martin Heller reveals that a Russian
passcode-breaker developer has [0]broken the encryption used in
BlackBerry backups. That can help recover data when passwords are lost,
but also gives data thieves access to a treasure trove of corporate
secrets. And the developer boasts that it was easier to crack the
BlackBerry encryption than it was to crack Apple's iOS."
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| Microsoft To Charge Phone Makers a Licensing Fee |
| from the how-magnanimous-of-you dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @13:30 (Cellphones) |
[0]angry tapir writes "Microsoft may be one of the only remaining mobile
operating-system providers that [1]charges handset makers a licensing fee,
but in exchange vendors get at least one important benefit: protection
from intellectual property worries. 'Microsoft indemnifies its Windows
Phone 7 licensees against patent infringement claims,' the company said.
'We stand behind our product, and step up to our responsibility to clear
the necessary IP rights.'" In related news, [2]Windows Phone 7 will be
exclusive to AT&T at launch, and it seems Microsoft is [3]counting on
Xbox Live integration to be the "hook" that gets people interested in the
new devices.
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| Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted |
| from the lost-amid-breakfast-descriptions dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @14:13 (Social Networks) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "Social media is ill-suited to promoting real
social change, argues Malcolm Gladwell in this article from The New
Yorker magazine. He deftly [0]debunks conventional wisdom surrounding the
impact of Twitter, Facebook and other social media in driving systemic
social change, comparing them to the organizational strategies of the
1960s civil rights movement. For example, the Montgomery bus boycott, he
argues, was successful because it was driven by the disciplined and
hierarchically organized NAACP. In contrast, a loose, social-media style
network wouldn't have sustained the year long campaign. He concludes that
social media promote social 'weak ties' which are not strong enough to
motivate people to take big risks, such as imprisonment or attack, for
social change."
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| Linux Kernel Development 3rd Ed |
| from the read-all-about-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday October 01, @14:52 (Programming) |
| |
eldavojohn writes "Linux Kernel Development Third Edition by Robert Love
is the perfect book for the beginning or intermediate Linux kernel
hacker. It provided me an excellent bridge between the high level
introduction I had in college (from Operating Systems Concepts) and the
actual kernel code. The best part about this book is that the chapters
are ��� like the kernel ��� modular, and allow the reader to dig down in a
particular part if they have a specific interest. This, in conjunction
with Love's indications of which files and code snippets contain the
logic, gave me confidence to clone the kernel, make tiny adjustments,
compile and run. At four hundred pages, the book is a long read, but for
kernel newbies like me it's a better alternative to jumping into the
millions of lines of code. While you might find this information in
pieces floating around online, this book balances clarity with brevity in
an exceptional manner. It should also be noted that this book defaults to
the x86 architecture when explaining architecture-sensitive parts of the
kernel (with 64-bit differences occasionally outlined)." Keep reading for
the rest of eldavojohn's review.
This story continues at:
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| Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Developed From Skin Cells |
| from the won't-somebody-think-of-the-epidermis dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @15:37 (Biotech) |
juliangamble writes "Scientists reported Thursday they had developed a
technique that can [0]quickly create safe alternatives to human embryonic
stem cells, a major advance toward developing a less controversial
approach for treating a host of medical problems. The researchers
published a series of experiments showing they can use laboratory-made
versions of naturally occurring biological signals to [1]quickly convert
ordinary skin cells into cells that appear virtually identical to
embryonic stem cells. Moreover, the same strategy can then coax those
cells to morph into specific tissues that would be a perfect match for
transplantation into patients."
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| Microsoft Sues Motorola Over Android-Related Patent Infringement |
| from the no-license-for-you dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @16:19 (Cellphones) |
suraj.sun writes with this excerpt from Engadget: "Microsoft has hit up
the ITC over a total of [0]nine alleged patent infringements by Motorola
in its Android devices, specifically relating to 'synchronizing email,
calendars and contacts, scheduling meetings, and notifying applications
of changes in signal strength and battery power.' This should be
interesting ��� will it result in a quick cross-licensing agreement, or a
protracted court battle spanning multiple years?" The ITC complaint was
[1]accompanied by a lawsuit in US District Court. Microsoft's Horacio
Gutierrez [2]explained the company's reasoning in a blog post.
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| 1,200 NASA Layoffs, Shuttle Fuel Tank Plant Shuts Down |
| from the end-of-an-era dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @17:03 (Space) |
As the space shuttle program winds down, [0]1,200 NASA workers were laid
off today, and thousands more will lose their jobs in the months ahead.
"Many shuttle workers held out hope that they could find new jobs in the
Constellation program, which would have included two new rocket systems
and a new crew module to transport astronauts into space. From the
beginning, Constellation was plagued by underfunding. This year, Obama
killed the program's future funding because of budget overruns and
because it was behind schedule. That could affect more than 20,000
workers along Florida's space coast, according to Rice." This comes
alongside news that Lockheed Martin has [1]stopped work at the production
plant that supplied 136 external fuel tanks for the space shuttles since
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| SEC Blames Computer Algorithm For 'Flash Crash' |
| from the steve-jobs-agrees dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @17:46 (The Almighty Buck) |
Lucas123 writes "The US Securities and Exchange Commission and the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued [0]an 87-page report
(PDF) on the results of a months-long investigation into the May 6 'flash
crash' that sent the Dow tumbling almost 1,000 points in a half hour. The
Commissions are [1]holding a single trading firm's automated trade
execution platform responsible for the crash, saying it [2]dumped 75,000
sell orders into the Chicago Mercantile Exchange over a period of minutes
causing an already volatile market to come crashing down. The SEC has
already enacted some quick rules to pause trading if a stock price should
rise or fall by 10% in a five minute period, but the regulators said they
expect the results of the investigation to prompt additional rules
limiting the functions of automated computer trading systems."
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| Stuxnet Analysis Backs Iran-Israel Connection |
| from the my-god-has-a-bigger-firewall-than-your-god dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @18:32 (Security) |
Trailrunner7 writes "Liam O'Murchu of Symantec, speaking at the Virus
Bulletin Conference, provided the first detailed public analysis of the
worm's inner workings to an audience of some of the world's top computer
virus experts. O'Murchu described a sophisticated and highly targeted
virus and demonstrated a proof of concept exploit that showed how the
virus could cause machines using infected PLCs to run out of control.
Though most of the conversation about Stuxnet is still based on
conjecture, O'Murchu said that Symantec's analysis of Stuxnet's code for
manipulating PLCs on industrial control systems by Siemens [0]backs up
both the speculation that Iran was the intended target and that Israel
was the possible source of the virus. O'Murchu noted that researchers had
uncovered the reference to an obscure date in the worm's code, May 9,
1979, which, he noted, was the date on which a prominent Iranian Jew,
Habib Elghanian, was executed by the new Islamic government shortly after
the revolution. Anti-virus experts said O'Murchu's hypothesis about the
origins of Stuxnet were plausible, though some continue to wonder how the
authors of such a sophisticated piece of malware allowed it to break into
the wild and attract attention." Symantec has also issued [1]a lengthy
and detailed dossier on Stuxnet (PDF).
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| Many Top iPhone Apps Collect Unique Device ID |
| from the your-computer-is-broadcasting-a-UDID dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday October 01, @19:19 (Iphone) |
An anonymous reader writes "It looks like iPhone users are not immune to
the types of data leaks [0]recently discovered on the Android platform.
Researchers looked at the top free applications available from the App
Store and discovered that '[1]68% of these applications were transmitting
UDIDs to servers under the application vendor's control each time the
application is launched.' The iPhone's Unique Device ID, or UDID, cannot
be changed, nor can its transmission be disabled by the user. The [2]full
paper is available in PDF form."
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