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Newser Daily Digest - Obama Tapes Mythbusters Segment

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Obama Tapes Mythbusters Segment

Obama Tapes Mythbusters Segment

(Newser) - President Obama says he'll be exercising his inner geek in an appearance on Discovery Channel show Mythbusters—but the myth he's busting has nothing to do with his birth certificate or whether he's secretly a Muslim. And unlike what usually happens on Mythbusters, he won't be blowing anything up. "... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Sharron Angle to Hispanics: You Look Asian

Sharron Angle to Hispanics: You Look Asian

(Newser) - What does a Latino look like? Apparently, Sharron Angle hasn't a clue. When questioned about her campaign ads that show images of Latinos while blasting Harry Reid over illegal immigration, the Nevada candidate told a Hispanic group that the ads don't necessarily show Latinos and that they themselves looked a... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Reporter Cuffed by Joe Miller's Guards Speaks Out

Reporter Cuffed by Joe Miller's Guards Speaks Out

(Newser) - The Alaskan reporter handcuffed by bodyguards for Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller and threatened with trespassing charges said it was a frightening, intimidating experience and that he wanted the guards to call the police to protect him. Tony Hopfinger, editor of the online Alaska Dispatch, was cuffed and held... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

7 Would-Be Governors Join Farcical NY Debate

7 Would-Be Governors Join Farcical NY Debate

(Newser) - Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino didn't even mention each other and there were more jokes than personal attacks in the first, and possibly last, debate in the New York governor's race. No fewer than seven hopefuls joined the debate, including former brothel madam Kirstin Davis of the Anti-Prohibition Party, former... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Politics Has Lost Its Bleeping Mind

Politics Has Lost Its Bleeping Mind

(Newser) - In case you hadn't noticed, American politics has flown off the handle, spun its head around crazily a la Exorcist, and sailed clear off the deep end. So to speak. Sure, we sort of took the battier candidates of both sides in stride (we're looking at you, Alan Grayson , Christine... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

High Court to Decide if Ashcroft Can Be Sued

High Court to Decide if Ashcroft Can Be Sued

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will step in to decide whether a Muslim American can sue John Ashcroft for a policy that led to his arrest in the wake of 9/11. The FBI arrested Kansas native Abdullah al-Kidd at Dulles International Airport in 2003, while he was preparing to board a flight... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

What the Left Gets Wrong About the Tea Partiers

What the Left Gets Wrong About the Tea Partiers

(Newser) - The left likes to paint the Tea Partiers as wingnuts, so it’s time to dispel some misconceptions, writes Ross Douthat. One myth: the Tea Party will be disastrous for the GOP. In fact—Rich Iott, Christine O'Donnell, and Carl Paladino aside—it's backed some very electable candidates, like Pennsylvania's... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

(Newser) - Since the Supreme Court’s January ruling on campaign finance, nonprofit groups have been allowed to run ads openly attacking specific candidates, so long as less than 50% of all spending is dedicated to these political activities. But several organizations have lately pushed that limit, the New York Times reports,... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Rand Paul, Jack Conway Brawl Over 'Aqua Buddha'

Rand Paul, Jack Conway Brawl Over 'Aqua Buddha'

(Newser) - The words “ugly” and “new low” are being tossed around a lot in reports of last night’s Kentucky Senate debate, in which Rand Paul and Jack Conway sparred over a new Conway ad bashing Paul for his alleged “Aqua Buddha” shenanigans. (Background available here and here... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them: Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Alaska Editor Handcuffed by Joe Miller's Guards

Alaska Editor Handcuffed by Joe Miller's Guards

(Newser) - An Alaska editor was "arrested" and handcuffed by bodyguards of Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller as the journalist attempted to ask Miller questions following a public event. Tony Hopfinger of the Alaska Dispatch was cuffed and held by the guards in the hallway of a public middle school... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.


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