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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* MS Gives Free Licenses To Oppressed Nonprofits
* Why Microsoft Is So Scared of OpenOffice
* Linux To Take Over Microsoft In Enterprises
* Pirated Software Could Bring Down Predator Drones
* Why Microsoft?
* Desktop Linux Is Dead
* Top Facebook Apps Violate Privacy Terms
* How To Tame the Social Network At Work
* Ubuntu 10.10 Multitouch Support Demo
* Adobe Reader X With Sandbox Due In November
* Smart Grid May Also Carry IPv6 Traffic
* UN May Ban Blotting Out the Sun
* Joomla! Social Networking
* <em>Duke Nukem 3D</em> On Unreal Engine 3
* President Obama To Appear On Mythbusters
* NRO Warns They Are On Final IPv4 Address Blocks
* Ontario School Bans Wi-Fi
* A Tidal Wave of Java Flaw Exploitation
* Nintendo Entertainment System Turns 25
* Comcast Migrating Customers To DNSSEC Resolvers
* Assange Denied Swedish Residence On Confidential Reasons
* What If We Ran Universities Like Wikipedia?
* Ray Ozzie To Step Down From His Role At Microsoft
| MS Gives Free Licenses To Oppressed Nonprofits
| from the here-you-got-enough-trouble dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 17, @22:09 (Microsoft)
victorl19 writes "Microsoft is vastly expanding its efforts to [0]prevent
governments from using software piracy inquiries as a pretext to suppress
dissent. It plans to provide free software licenses to more than 500,000
advocacy groups, independent media outlets and other nonprofit
organizations in 12 countries with tightly controlled governments,
including Russia and China."
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| Why Microsoft Is So Scared of OpenOffice
| from the run-for-the-hills dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 18, @00:10 (Microsoft)
GMGruman writes "A recent Microsoft video on OpenOffice is naively seen
by some as validating the open source tool. As InfoWorld's Savio
Rodrigues shows, the video is really a hatchet job on OpenOffice. But why
is Microsoft so intent on damaging the FOSS desktop productivity suite,
which has just a tiny market share? Rodrigues figured out [0]the real
reason by noting who Microsoft quoted to slam OpenOffice: businesses in
emerging markets such as Eastern Europe that aren't already so invested
in Office licenses and know-how. In other words, the customers Microsoft
doesn't have yet and now fears it never will."
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| Linux To Take Over Microsoft In Enterprises
| from the slow-and-steady-wins-the-race dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 18, @03:22 (Microsoft)
shougyin writes "For years, Linux has enjoyed much of its success as a
replacement for Unix. Companies turned to Linux to replace Unix servers,
or for new deployments within a Unix-heavy environment. [0]Linux is still
king there, but it's starting to encroach on Microsoft as well. Big
companies are planning overwhelmingly (76.4%) to add more Linux servers
in the next year, and less than half (41.2%) of the companies are
planning to add Windows servers in the next year. Even more interesting,
nearly half (43.6%) are actively planning to decrease use of Windows
servers in the next year."
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| Pirated Software Could Bring Down Predator Drones
| from the stealing-the-code dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 18, @07:57 (The Military)
[0]Pickens writes "Fast Company reports that Massachusetts Superior Court
Judge Margaret Hinkle will soon issue a decision on [1]an intellectual
property-related lawsuit that could ground the CIA's Predator drones.
Intelligent Integration Systems (IISi) alleges that their Geospatial
Toolkit and Extended SQL Toolkit were pirated by Massachusetts-based
Netezza for use by a government client and is seeking an injunction that
would halt the use of their two toolkits by Netezza for three years. The
dispute goes back to when Netezza and IISi were former partners in a
contract to develop software that would be used, among other purposes,
for unmanned drones. IISi's suit claims that both the software package
used by the CIA and the Netezza Spatial product were built using their
intellectual property and according to statements made by IISi CEO Paul
Davis, a favorable ruling in the injunction would revoke the CIA's
license to use Geospatial. If IISi prevails in court this would either
force the CIA to ground Predator drones or to break the law in their use
of the pirated software. But there's more. Testimony given by an IISi
executive to the court indicates that [2]Netezza illegally and hastily
reverse-engineered IISi's code to deliver a faulty version that could
cause predator drones to miss their targets by as much as 40 feet. "
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| Why Microsoft?
| from the because-google-is-pickier dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @08:46 (Microsoft)
theodp writes "Before a large crowd of students at the University of
Washington computer science department, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was
[0]asked why students should care about Microsoft enough to want to work
there. Aside from the ending, which begs for an
if-you're-happy-and-you-know-it-clap-your-hands remix, Ballmer seemed to
handle the question adequately for an [1]MBA-type, although [2]TechCrunch
has a different opinion, suggesting 'maybe it's time for the great
salesman to hang it up.' Oddly enough, a recent [3]resignation letter
from a Microsoft developer en route to Facebook ("Microsoft has been an
awesome place to work over the past twelve years. In college, I never
thought I'd work for Microsoft. Then I interned in 1997 and fell in
love.") may be more what the skeptical CS student was looking for in
terms of a Microsoft endorsement."
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| Desktop Linux Is Dead
| from the oh-no-he-didn't dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @09:31 (Open Source)
digitaldc writes with this quote from PCWorld: "It kills me to say this:
The dream of Linux as a major desktop OS is now [0]pretty much dead.
Despite phenomenal security and stability ��� and amazing strides in
usability, performance, and compatibility ��� Linux simply isn't catching
on with desktop users. And if there ever was a chance for desktop Linux
to succeed, that ship has long since sunk. ... Ultimately, Linux is
doomed on the desktop because of a critical lack of content. And that
lack of content owes its existence to two key factors: the fragmentation
of the Linux platform, and the fierce ideology of the open-source
community at large."
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| Top Facebook Apps Violate Privacy Terms
| from the dying-from-not-surprise dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @10:13 (Facebook)
cgriffin21 writes "No stranger to privacy concerns, [0]Facebook is once
again in the privacy spotlight, following a Wall Street Journal report
that some popular Facebook applications leak personal information to
advertisers. 'Many of the popular applications, or 'apps,' on the
social-networking site Facebook Inc. have been transmitting identifying
information ��� in effect, providing access to people's names and, in some
cases, their friends' names ��� to dozens of advertising and Internet
tracking companies,' according to The Wall Street Journal, which wrote
about Facebook Sunday in the latest installment of its recent 'What They
Know' series about advertising and the Internet."
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| How To Tame the Social Network At Work
| from the with-a-whip-and-chair dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @11:01 (Facebook)
[0]snydeq writes "InfoWorld's Dan Tynan provides an in-depth report on
[1]how IT can tame social networking at work without shutting the
organization off to the kinds of business opportunities today's social
networks present. 'They're a productivity sink and a bandwidth suck.
They're a vector for malware and a gift for corporate spies. They're a
data spill just waiting to happen. And like it or not, they're already
inside your enterprise,' Tynan writes. 'Most companies are in denial
about how much their employees are using social nets, as well as what
they can do to stop it.' Worse, many are still balking at the fact that
having a presence on social networks is rapidly becoming a requirement
for doing business. Strict commonsense policies, next-generation
firewalls, data leak prevention software ��� all can decrease your
company's exposure to the risks inherent in social networking while still
enabling your company to solve problems, burnish its public image,
recruit top talent, and generate ideas through social networks."
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| Ubuntu 10.10 Multitouch Support Demo
| from the isn't-that-pretty dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @11:41 (Ubuntu)
Timothy found a news report and a little video demonstrating the
[0]multi-touch capabilities of Ubuntu. It's attached below if you're
curious what the new Unity Netbook UI is looking like these days.
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| Adobe Reader X With Sandbox Due In November
| from the i-like-the-dump-truck dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @12:22 (Security)
Trailrunner7 writes "Adobe will finally release the new version of its
Reader software ��� which [0]will include the much-anticipated Protected
Mode security feature ��� next month. Adobe Reader X will include a number
of other new features in addition to the sandbox feature. Adobe officials
have been discussing Protected Mode for several months now and said early
on that it would be included in the next version of Reader, but had never
set a time line for the release of Reader X. Now, the company says the
new version will be available in November, although no specific date was
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| Smart Grid May Also Carry IPv6 Traffic
| from the wires-are-wires dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @13:00 (Networking)
itwbennett writes "Kevin Fogarty is blogging about [0]new specs outlined
by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) that
outline the requirements for 'any network designed to [1]carry data
instead of just electrons.' What's needed, in short, is 'a Common
Information Model for the format of data in the network, interfaces to
allow it to go from one device or substation to another, exchanges
between control centers and communications protocols that will add
security to the net.'"
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| UN May Ban Blotting Out the Sun
| from the since-the-beginning-of-time-man-has-yearned-to-destroy-the-sun dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 18, @13:34 (Earth)
Supervillains and Mr. Burns are among those to be most affected by the
United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity decision on space
sunshades. Even though organizations like NASA have been looking into
them as a possible way to slow climate change, the UN is expected to
[0]limit research into the technology or ban it outright. From the
article: "The Convention may consider banning or limiting research into
space sunshades. Some question their wisdom. A space sunshade would have
a rapid effect on global warming and provide time to develop more
permanent measures, they say. The technique has already received serious
attention from NASA and other organizations. But others, such as the ETC
group, an environmental and social advocacy group, fear simply blocking
the sun is a bandage, meant to cover up the problem, and allow humans to
continue using fossils fuels. Another fear is that geo-engineering, as
techniques like this are called, could have unforeseen consequences on
the weather, ecosystem and agriculture."
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| Joomla! Social Networking
| from the read-all-about-it dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 18, @14:07 (Book Reviews)
David Taiaroa writes "I was pleased to recieve a review copy of Joomla!
Social Networking with JomSocial ��� Enhance your social networking with
JomSocial by Beatrice A. Boateng and Kwasi Boateng. I've worked with many
Joomla! extensions, but not with any of the social network options, so I
was able to approach this book as someone learning about the topic for
the first time." Keep reading for the rest of David's review
This story continues at:
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| <em>Duke Nukem 3D</em> On Unreal Engine 3
| from the all-out-of-bubblegum dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @14:20 (First Person Shooters (Games))
[0]Julefrokost writes "While we're waiting patiently on Forever, there's
some real news in the Duke Nukem realm. Ars Technica has a story about
[1]a fan-made Duke 3D project on Unreal Engine 3. There's an awesome
[2]demo video up on YouTube. Created by hardcore fan Frederick 'fresch'
Schreiber, we can hopefully expect to see an upgraded Duke 3D in the near
future." The article also notes, "Gearbox ultimately decided to support
the project, and gave Schreiber a personal, non-commercial license to
Duke Nukem 3D. He can't sell the work or profit from it directly, but he
can use the characters and design of the game without fear of being shut
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| President Obama To Appear On Mythbusters
| from the busting-the-citizenship-myth-at-last dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 18, @14:40 (Television)
Muondecay writes "President Obama will be featured in the [0]December 8th
MythBusters episode, "Archimedes Solar Ray," during which he will
challenge Adam and Jamie to revisit an ancient and somewhat controversial
myth: Did Greek scientist and polymath [1]Archimedes set fire to an
invading Roman fleet using only mirrors and the reflected rays of the sun
during the Siege of Syracuse? This is part of a White House effort to
highlight the importance of science education."
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| NRO Warns They Are On Final IPv4 Address Blocks
| from the last-call dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @15:21 (Networking)
eldavojohn writes "According to the Number Resources Organization, they
will have [0]issued their final twelve IPv4 blocks in a few months. Each
block is 16 million addresses and represents 1/256th of the total
addresses issued. We are now down to 12 blocks left in the global pool
for issuing to Regional Internet Registries, who will then assign the
last addresses that will run out sometime later in 2011. The pool of free
addresses works out to be less than [1]half of where we were in January.
The [2]new numbers from the NRO indicate estimated global pool IP address
exhaustion in a few months, a year earlier than they estimated at the
beginning of 2010."
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| Ontario School Bans Wi-Fi
| from the balance-the-humors dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 18, @15:22 (Education)
St. Vincent Euphrasia elementary school in Meaford, Ont. is the latest
Canadian school to decide to [0]save its students from the harmful
effects of Wi-Fi by banning it. Schools from universities on down have
[1]a history of banning Wi-Fi in Ontario. As usual, health officials and
know-it-all scientists have called the move ridiculous. Health Canada has
released a statement saying, "Wi-Fi is the second most prevalent form of
wireless technology next to cell phones. It is widely used across Canada
in schools, offices, coffee shops, personal dwellings, as well as
countless other locations. Health Canada continues to reassure Canadians
that the radiofrequency energy emitted from Wi-Fi equipment is extremely
low and is not associated with any health problems."
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| A Tidal Wave of Java Flaw Exploitation
| from the surf's-up dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @16:04 (Oracle)
tsu doh nimh writes "Microsoft warned today that it is witnessing [0]a
huge spike in the exploitation of Java vulnerabilities on the Windows
platform, and that attacks on Java security holes now far outpace the
exploitation of Adobe PDF bugs. The Microsoft announcement cites research
by blogger Brian Krebs, who has been warning for several months that Java
vulnerabilities are showing up as the top moneymakers for those peddling
commercial crimeware exploitation kits, such as [1]Eleonore, [2]Crimepack
and [3]SEO Sploit Pack." Several days ago, Oracle released a patch that
[4]fixed 29 Java security flaws.
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| Nintendo Entertainment System Turns 25
| from the mine-still-works dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @16:45 (NES (Games))
harrymcc writes "On October 18th 1985, Nintendo launched its NES console
in the US, [0]reviving a near-dead video game industry and establishing
Nintendo as a leader in home consoles. We've celebrated with a roundup of
[1]some of the stranger spinoffs that the NES has inspired over the last
quarter century, from odd controllers to a lock parents could use to
disable the console to do-it-yourself projects like an NES built into a
Super Mario cartridge."
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| Comcast Migrating Customers To DNSSEC Resolvers
| from the must-be-easier-to-throttle dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @17:28 (Networking)
ctg1701 passes along this quote from a Comcast announcement: "Starting
today [0]we will begin migrating customers who have opted out of our
Domain Helper service over to our production DNSSEC-validating servers.
This will happen first in a selected part of our Virginia network, and
will later [1]expand to all markets in the following sixty days, at which
point all of our customers who have opted out of Domain Helper will be
migrated. After this has been completed, we will migrate the rest of our
customers, which we anticipate will stretch into the early part of 2011."
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| Assange Denied Swedish Residence On Confidential Reasons
| from the bet-he'd-get-in-if-he-leaked-the-finns'-secrets dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @18:10 (Government)
MotorMachineMercenar writes "The Local reports that [0]Julian Assange has
been denied a residence permit in Sweden. The WikiLeaks spokesman and
Australian citizen applied for residency in August, apparently to [1]gain
the freedom of speech protection offered by Swedish laws. When asked
about the reasons for the denial, a Swedish official responsible replied,
'...secrecy prevails in reference to the grounds for such a decision,'
essentially meaning the reasons are confidential. Assange has been
recently [2]under investigation for sexual molestation charges, which
were withdrawn and then [3]re-instated. WikiLeaks is [4]expected to
release up to 400,000 confidential US military documents in the near
future, which would be the largest such leak in US history."
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| What If We Ran Universities Like Wikipedia?
| from the voting-classmates-and-professors-off-the-island dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @18:56 (Education)
[0]Pickens writes "Do university bureaucracies still make sense in the
era of networks? At the recent Educause conference, David J. Staley laid
out the findings of a focus group he conducted asking educators [1]what a
college would look like if it operated like Wikipedia. The 'Wiki-ized
University' wouldn't have formal admissions, says Staley; people could
enter and exit as they wished and the university would consist of
voluntary and self-organizing associations of teachers and students 'not
unlike the [2]original idea for the university, in the Middle Ages.' In
addition, the curriculum of the 'Wiki-ized University' would be
intellectually fluid, and instead of tenure, professors' longevity 'would
be determined by the community.' Staley predicts that [3]a new form of
academic organization is emerging that will be driven by volunteerism.
'We do see some idea today of how "volunteer teaching" might look: think
of the faculty at a place like the University of Phoenix. Most teaching
faculty have day jobs ��� and in fact are hired because they have day jobs
��� and teach at the university for a nominal stipend,' writes Staley. 'If
something like the Phoenix model is what develops in a wiki-ized
university setting, this would suggest that a new type of "professorate"
will emerge, consisting of those who teach or publish or conduct research
for their own personal or professional satisfaction or for some other
nonmonetized benefit.'"
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| Ray Ozzie To Step Down From His Role At Microsoft
| from the is-this-the-extinguish-part dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 18, @19:53 (Microsoft)
denobug writes "[0]Ray Ozzie, Chief Software Architect at Microsoft, is
stepping down. He is to remain with Microsoft until he retires, focusing
his efforts 'in the broader area of entertainment where Microsoft has
many ongoing investments,' based on [1]a memo from Steve Ballmer. Also
according to Steve's memo, the role of CSA was unique and it will not be
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