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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* US Lab Models Galaxy Cluster Merger
* Bittorrent To Replace Standard Downloads?
* Anonymous Knocks Out Ministry of Sound Website
* The Binary Code In Canada's Gov-Gen Coat of Arms
* Verizon Wireless To Issue $90 Million In Refunds
* Lawrence Lessig Reviews <em>The Social Network</em>
* Free Software Foundation Turns 25
* MGM and Warner Near On Deal For <em>Hobbit</em> Films
* Geolocation XSS Tracker Proof of Concept
* Brilliant Pics of Bizarre Sea Critters
* Court Rules Against Woman Who Didn't Like Search Results
* <em>World of Warcraft: Cataclysm</em> To Launch Dec. 7th
* Google TV Details Revealed
* Privacy Option Proposed To Control Behavioral Ads
* 15-Year-Old Boy Fitted With Robotic Heart
* OLPC Gets $5.6M Grant To Develop Tablet With Marvell
* <em>Monkey Island</em> Creator Slams Corporate Control Over Game Publishing
* Comcast Warns Customers Suspected of Bot Infection
* Red Hat Settles Patent Case
* Take This GUI and Shove It
* GoogleSharing, Now With No Trust Required
| US Lab Models Galaxy Cluster Merger |
| from the we're-going-to-need-more-ram dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @20:26 (Space) |
| |
[0]astroengine writes "The scales are mind-boggling and the physics is
cutting edge, so how do you go about [1]simulating the collision of two
galactic clusters? Using some of the most powerful computers in the
world, researchers at Argonne National Laboratory, the Flash Center at
the University of Chicago and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics have done just that."
Discuss this story at:
| Bittorrent To Replace Standard Downloads? |
| from the sharing-the-load dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @22:32 (The Internet) |
| |
[0]Max Sayre writes "Have you ever tried to download an operating system
update only to have it fail and have to start all over? What about
patches for your favorite games? World of Warcraft already uses
Bittorrent technology as a way to distribute large amounts of content at
a lower cost to the company and faster speeds to all of their clients. So
why haven't they replaced the standard downloading options built into any
major OS? Companies like Opera are including the downloading of torrents
in their products already and extensions have been written for Firefox to
download torrents in-browser. Every day Bittorrent traffic is growing.
Sites like OpenBittorrent already exist and DHT doesn't even require a
tracker. So why isn't everyone doing it? Is it finally time to see all
downloads replaced with Bittorrent?"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:maxsayreatgmaildotcom
| Anonymous Knocks Out Ministry of Sound Website |
| from the pirates-of-the-european dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 04, @00:35 (United Kingdom) |
An anonymous reader writes "The latest DDoS attack from Anonymous has
[0]knocked offline UK solicitor Gallant Macmillian's website, the
Ministry of Sound Website and their payment website. Macmillian is
currently looking for several hundred identities of suspected
file-sharers, accused of uploading artists under the Ministry of Sound
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| The Binary Code In Canada's Gov-Gen Coat of Arms |
| from the always-drink-your-ovaltine dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 04, @05:22 (Canada) |
Lev13than writes "Dr. David Johnston, formerly the president of the
University of Waterloo, was installed as Canada's new Governor-General on
Friday. As de facto head of state and the Queen's representative in
Canada he is required to design a [0]personal coat of arms. One modern
detail has attracted particular attention - a [1]33-digit palindromic
binary stream at the base. Efforts to decode the meaning of the number
using ASCII, Morse, grouping by 3/11 and other theories has so far come
up empty (right now it's a toss up between random, the phone number
683-077-0643 and Morse code for 'send help - trapped in a coat of arms
factory.') Is 110010111001001010100100111010011 the combination to his
luggage, or just a random stream of digits?"
Discuss this story at:
| Verizon Wireless To Issue $90 Million In Refunds |
| from the have-some-cash dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 04, @07:57 (Businesses) |
tekgoblin writes "Verizon Wireless had somehow been charging customers
extra money on their bills for data that they actually hadn't been using.
Approximately [0]15 million customers were affected by the erroneous
billing error. According to BGR the FCC had been pressuring Verizon to
respond to the hundreds of complaints that had been piling up. So
Verizon's answer was to refund all of the overcharged money as soon as
Discuss this story at:
| Lawrence Lessig Reviews <em>The Social Network</em> |
| from the hey-mark-ping-me dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 04, @10:58 (Movies) |
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Lawrence Lessig ��� author, Harvard law professor,
co-founder of Creative Commons ��� reviews The Social Network in The New
Republic. Although Lessig says the movie is an 'intelligent, beautiful,
and compelling film,' he adds that [1]as a story about Facebook, it is
deeply, deeply flawed because the movie fails to even mention the real
magic behind the Facebook story, and while everyone walking out out of
the movie will think they understand the genius of the internet, almost
none of them will have seen the real ethic of internet creativity that
makes success stories like Facebook possible. 'Because the platform of
the Internet is open and free, or in the language of the day, because it
is a "neutral network," a billion Mark Zuckerbergs have the opportunity
to invent for the platform,' writes Lessig. 'And that is tragedy because
just at the moment when we celebrate the product of these two wonders ���
Zuckerberg and the Internet ��� working together, policymakers are
conspiring ferociously with old world powers to remove the conditions for
this success. As "network neutrality" gets bargained away ��� to add insult
to injury, [2]by an administration that was elected with the promise to
defend it ��� the opportunities for the Zuckerbergs of tomorrow will
shrink.' Lessig laments that the creators of the movie didn't understand
the ethic of Internet creativity and thought that the real story was the
invention of Facebook not the platform that made such democratic
innovation possible. 'Zuckerberg is a rightful hero of our time,'
concludes Lessig. 'As I looked around at the packed theater of teens and
twenty-somethings, there was no doubt who was in the right, however geeky
and clumsy and sad. That generation will judge this new world. If, that
is, we allow that new world to continue to flourish.'"
Discuss this story at:
| Free Software Foundation Turns 25 |
| from the i-dig-the-crazy dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 04, @11:22 (GNU is Not Unix) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "On this day, 25 years ago, [0]Richard
Stallman created the Free Software Foundation. He had been the director
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Tired of seeing software that he and others had written appropriated
(without acknowledgment or compensation) by disreputable software
companies and then told to pay for software they had written, Stallman
took action, creating the foundation. The original license was written by
Stallman. Stallman had subsequently written a large number of GNU tools,
but the license was his most important contribution."
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| MGM and Warner Near On Deal For <em>Hobbit</em> Films |
| from the it's-precious-to-me dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 04, @11:44 (Lord of the Rings) |
Jamie found an NYT story that says "After months of negotiation and
delay, Warner Brothers and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer are on the [0]verge of an
agreement that would allow the director Peter Jackson to begin shooting a
two-part version of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit early next year." The
production has struggled recently with issues with Unions, and a fire.
Discuss this story at:
| Geolocation XSS Tracker Proof of Concept |
| from the oh-thats-fine-i'm-sure dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 04, @12:23 (Security) |
| |
Jamie found a bit of a scary link this morning that demonstrates a router
XSS getting your MAC address and using it to [0]map your current location.
Which I'm sure is totally no big deal for anyone.
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| Brilliant Pics of Bizarre Sea Critters |
| from the tales-from-mos-eisley-cantina dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 04, @12:46 (Science) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "Today, scientists have announced the
completion of the first ever [0]Census of Marine Life. The colossal
10-year effort involved 2,700 researchers from 80 countries. To mark the
occasion, Discover's blog 80beats has a photo gallery of some of the most
[1]marvelously strange sea creatures photographed in the course of the
census. The blog post also explains some of the census's most important
findings, including the dramatic decline of many commercially important
large marine animals, and troubling new evidence of a decline in the
[2]phytoplankton that serves as the base of the marine food chain."
Discuss this story at:
| Court Rules Against Woman Who Didn't Like Search Results |
| from the a-beverly-by-any-other-name dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 04, @13:22 (The Courts) |
The Seventh Circuit Court has ruled that Beverly Stayart can't sue Yahoo!
because [0]she did not like what she saw on the results page after
searching for her name. Stayart claimed that her "internet presence" was
damaged by Yahoo! because results for a search of her name showed
listings which included pharmaceuticals and adult oriented websites. The
court disagreed. From the article: "Stayart had sued under Section 43(a)
of the federal Lanham Act, which prohibits false advertising, false
implications of endorsement, and so on. Her problem was that a Lanham Act
claim requires a showing that the plaintiff has a 'commercial interest'
to protect, and Stayart did not have a commercial interest in her own
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| <em>World of Warcraft: Cataclysm</em> To Launch Dec. 7th |
| from the remember,-digital-bear-pelts-are-not-an-appropriate-christmas-gift dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @14:02 (Role Playing (Games)) |
Blizzard announced today that the third expansion to World of Warcraft,
dubbed Cataclysm, is [0]set for launch on December 7th. In addition to
upping the level cap to 85 and including several new high level zones,
the expansion will revamp the parts of Azeroth that have been around
since WoW's initial launch, bringing the 1-60 leveling experience more in
line with the improvements Blizzard has made in the expansions. [1]
Cataclysm will also give players two new races to play, Goblins and
Worgen, who have joined the Horde and the Alliance, respectively.
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| Google TV Details Revealed |
| from the searching-imdb-with-my-remote-control-will-change-my-life dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @14:44 (Google) |
| |
Today Google provided [0]new information about their upcoming Google TV
platform for set-top boxes. Using [1]a video and [2]a demonstration site,
they show how apps will look and function, and stressed that users
wouldn't be limited in their ability to browse the web on their TV.
Google also announced content partners, which include Turner
Broadcasting, NBC Universal, HBO, Netflix and Amazon Video. "We have also
been working with some leading technology and media companies to optimize
their content for Google TV, including news sites like The New York Times
and USA Today; music sites like VEVO, Pandora and Napster; information
networks like Twitter; and online networks like And with YouTube
Leanback, we can offer the best experience for you to watch your favorite
viral videos and personalized channels on the television." For
developers, they put up [3]a guide to optimize websites for Google TV.
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| Privacy Option Proposed To Control Behavioral Ads |
| from the wishful-thinking dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @15:27 (Advertising) |
techinsider sends this quote from Security Week: "A group of media and
marketing trade associations, with support from the Council of Better
Business Bureaus, today announced the details of a self-regulatory
program designed to give consumers enhanced control over the collection
and use of data regarding their Web viewing for online behavioral
advertising purposes. The program [0]promotes the use of the 'Advertising
Option Icon' and accompanying language, to be displayed within or near
online advertisements or on Web pages where data is collected and used
for behavioral advertising. The Advertising Option Icon indicates a
company's use of online behavioral advertising and adherence to the
Principles guiding the program. Similar to a Web site���s privacy policy,
consumers will be able to link to a clear disclosure statement regarding
the company's online behavioral advertising data collection and use
practices as well as an easy-to-use opt-out option."
Discuss this story at:
| 15-Year-Old Boy Fitted With Robotic Heart |
| from the stay-away-from-nausicaans,-kid dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @16:09 (Medicine) |
An anonymous reader writes "What do you do when a 15-year-old boy is
close to death and ineligible for a heart transplant? If you're Dr.
Antonio Amodeo you turn to an artificial solution and [0]transplant a
robotic heart, giving the boy another 20-25 years of life. The Italian
boy in question suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which rapidly
degenerates the muscles and eventually leads to death. Having such a
disease renders the boy ineligible for a heart transplant, meaning almost
certain death without an alternative solution. Dr. Amodeo found such an
alternative in the form of a 90-gram, fully-robotic heart that took 10
hours to fit inside the boy's left ventricle. It is [1]a permanent
solution offering as much as 25 years of life and is powered by a battery
worn as a belt."
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| OLPC Gets $5.6M Grant To Develop Tablet With Marvell |
| from the one-hip-device-per-child dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @16:54 (Handhelds) |
tugfoigel writes "According to Xconomy, 'The One Laptop per Child
Foundation and Santa Clara, CA-based semiconductor maker Marvell have
cemented a partnership announced last spring, with Marvell agreeing to
provide OLPC with $5.6 million to [0]fund development of its next
generation tablet computer. Nicholas Negroponte says the deal, signed in
the past week or so but not previously announced, runs through 2011.
"Their money is a grant to the OLPC Foundation to develop a tablet or
tablets based on their chip," he says. The OLPC tablet ... is known as
the XO 3 because it represents the third-generation of the XO laptop
currently sold by OLPC (the foundation scrapped plans for its e-book-like
XO 2 computer and is moving straight to the tablet). ... The deal, he
says, means the tablet's development is "fully funded."'"
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| <em>Monkey Island</em> Creator Slams Corporate Control Over Game Publishing |
| from the just-another-business dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @17:37 (Censorship) |
An anonymous reader writes "Ron Gilbert, co-creator of classic games
Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island 1 and 2, and many more, has spoken out
against corporate censorship ��� the way of large companies getting a say
on [0]what does or does not get published on the distribution channels
they control. Although his insightful rant applies to a number of
corporations (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Comcast are mentioned), most
of the direct examples single out Apple. Quoting: 'Apple has maintained
an almost North Koreanish dictatorial control over the devices, becoming
the arbitrator over what is good and bad, what is allowed and not
allowed. They don't have this control over the Mac because it is a real
computer and an open device, but they can do this with the iPhone because
we (as consumers) were convinced by the cell phone carriers that they
needed this control to protect their networks (in the same way they
wouldn't let us own our own telephones in the '70s) and Apple was happy
to jump on that ship because they could finally control everything that
went on the device and we bought it into it. Apple apologists say that
Apple needs this control to maintain the "specialness" of the device. I
say that's a load of crap.'" He also mentions Adidas dropping out of iAds
because they couldn't accept Apple's [1]excessive creative control, and a
photography app that was rejected because it used the volume buttons as
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| Comcast Warns Customers Suspected of Bot Infection |
| from the wonder-what-this-does-when-it-detects-torrents dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @18:21 (Botnet) |
eldavojohn writes "Comcast is pushing a new program nationwide that
[0]warns customers if they might have a bot infection. It puts a
semitransparent overlay on the top of the website you're viewing, warning
you that you may have a bot installed if the provider detects botnet
traffic from your residence. Of course, if you have multiple machines
running behind a router or modem then you're going to have a difficult
time pinning down which machine might have the infection."
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| Red Hat Settles Patent Case |
| from the making-it-go-away dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @18:45 (Patents) |
| |
darthcamaro writes "Red Hat has settled another patent case with patent
holding firm Acacia. This time the patent is US Patent #6,163,776,
'System and method for exchanging data and commands between an object
oriented system and relational system.' While it's great that Red Hat has
ended this particular patent threat, it's [0]not yet clear how they've
settled this case. The last time Red Hat tangled with Acacia they [1]won
in an Texas jury trial. 'Red Hat routinely addresses attempts to impede
the innovative forces of open source via allegations of patent
infringement,' Red Hat said in a statement. 'We can confirm that Red Hat,
Inc and Software Tree LLC have settled patent litigation that was pending
in federal court in the Eastern District of Texas.'"
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| Take This GUI and Shove It |
| from the i-ain't-clickin'-here-no-more dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @19:07 (GUI) |
| |
[0]snydeq writes "Deep End's Paul Venezia speaks out against the
[1]overemphasis on GUIs in today's admin tools, saying that GUIs are fine
and necessary in many cases, but only after a complete CLI is in place,
and that they cannot interfere with the use of the CLI, only complement
it. Otherwise, the GUI simply makes easy things easy and hard things much
harder. He writes, 'If you have to make significant, identical changes to
a bunch of Linux servers, is it easier to log into them one-by-one and
run through a GUI or text-menu tool, or write a quick shell script that
hits each box and either makes the changes or simply pulls down a few new
config files and restarts some services? And it's not just about
conservation of effort ��� it's also about accuracy. If you write a script,
you're certain that the changes made will be identical on each box. If
you're doing them all by hand, you aren't.'"
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| GoogleSharing, Now With No Trust Required |
| from the nobody-will-know-about-your-boring-searches dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 04, @19:58 (Privacy) |
An anonymous reader writes "[0]GoogleSharing, the popular Google
anonymizing service created by well known privacy advocate and security
researcher [1]Moxie Marlinspike, has released a major new version today.
The biggest change is leveraging Google's SSL search option to provide an
anonymizing service which [2]doesn't require you to trust either Google
or GoogleSharing. This means that anyone who wishes to opt out of
Google's data collection practices can now do so without having to trust
the operator of the anonymizing service."
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