The Fix is headed to New Hampshire for Monday's Republican presidential debate. But, while you're waiting for the festivities to begin at 8 p.m. — and, yes, we will be live-blogging it! — check out six things to watch for tonight.
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A new CNN/Opinion Research poll this weekend showed that three in four Republicans said they would prefer a GOP nominee who can beat President Obama to someone who agrees with them on all the issues.
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The Supreme Court on Monday rejected arguments that a public official's vote is free speech protected by the First Amendment and upheld Nevada's conflict-of-interest law requiring recusals.
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White House press secretary Jay Carney won't say whether the president wants Rep. Anthony Weiner to step aside.
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Dramatically cutting or eliminating direct crop subsidies has emerged as one of the few areas of agreement in the budget talks underway between the White House and congressional leaders of both parties. Rep. Tim Huelskamp is telling Kansas farmers to "expect less."
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President Barack Obama referring to a website featuring a quintet of U.S. Forest Service rangers who play the fiddle:
"I'll put their music on my iPod, but I'm not paying for their Web site, and there are hundreds of similar sites that we should consolidate or just get rid of."
cdierd1944, on Chris Cillizza's "Republican presidential candidates' best message may be: I'm not Obama" story:
I don't think the anti-Obama message will work any better than the ABB (anybody but Bush) message did in 2004. It will probably work in the primaries, but not in the general election.
Frank Bailey, a former aide to Sarah Palin, was online at 11 a.m. ET to discuss the contents of the recently released Palin e-mails, some of which he used in his tell-all book:
Q: Do you think there will be any real revelations from the Palin emails or is this just another sideshow as Palin's star fades slowly in the West?
Frank Bailey:
I believe folks would see much more from her emails in 2009. The sad thing is that those who worship her, will not actually do the research themselves. Very sad, and I know, because I've been there and tried to justify the unjustifiable.
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Video: Newt Gingrich: 'I will endure the challenges'
Newt Gingrich says he will continue fighting for the Republican nomination for president "no matter what it takes" while speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Los Angeles.
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