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threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* White House To Announce IT-Powered Smart Grid
* How Journalists Data-Mined the Wikileaks Docs
* Turkish Police Nab 32 Suspects Tied To Anonymous
* Hackers Expose 26,000 Sex Website Passwords
* Fermi Lab's New Particle Discovery in Question
* AI Takes On Pac-Man
* Biological Lasers
* John Linnell of They Might Be Giants Talks Tech
* Inside Amazon's Data Centers
* EG8 Publishes Report In Noninteractive, Nonquotable Format
* New FBI Operations Manual Increases Surveillance
* Wisconsin Public Internet Struggles Against Telecom, Legislature
* Ubiquitous Computing Gadget To Teach Coding
* Book Review: The Clean Coder
* Studying the Impact of Lost Shipping Containers
* Devs Worried Microsoft Will Dump<nobr> <wbr></nobr>.NET
* Legislation In the Works To Require Companies To Report Privacy Breaches
* Google's Android Ambitions Go Beyond Mobile
* First Challenge To US Domain Seizures Filed
* Notch Announces <em>Minecraft</em> 'Adventure Update'
* Nissan LEAF Leaks Speed & Location To RSS Feed
* LulzSec Hacks the US Senate
* Shuttleworth: Chrome Nearly Replaced FF In Ubuntu
* Mac OS X Lion Has a Browser-Only Mode
* Ask Slashdot: Web Site Editing Software For the Long Haul?
| White House To Announce IT-Powered Smart Grid
| from the future-power dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday June 12, @20:49 (Power)
[0]FizzaNawaz writes "On Monday, the Obama administration is preparing
announce the next steps that the US will take to build its [1]21st
century electric grid, and IT is expected to play a big part in the
plans. The White House is hosting a 90-minute media event called
'Building the 21st Century Electric Grid' and is releasing a new report
on what it will take for lawmakers and the private sector to come
together to solve this aspect of the energy challenge."
Discuss this story at:
| How Journalists Data-Mined the Wikileaks Docs
| from the reading-between-a-million-lines dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday June 12, @23:15 (The Media)
meckdevil writes "Associated Press developer-journalist extraordinaire
Jonathan Stray gives a brilliant explanation of [0]the use of data-mining
strategies to winnow and wring journalistic sense out of massive numbers
of documents, using the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs released by
Wikileaks as a case in point. The concepts for focusing on certain groups
of documents and ignoring others are hardly new; they underlie the
algorithms used by the major Web search engines. Their use in a
journalistic context is on a cutting edge, though, and it raises a
fascinating quandary: By choosing the parameters under which documents
will be considered similar enough to pay attention to,
journalist-programmers actually choose the frame in which a story will be
told. This type of data mining holds great potential for investigative
revelation ��� and great potential for journalistic abuse."
Discuss this story at:
| Turkish Police Nab 32 Suspects Tied To Anonymous
| from the you-ever-been-in-a-turkish-prison? dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday June 13, @02:18 (Government)
wiredmikey writes "Following the arrest of three alleged 'Anonymous'
members by Spanish authorities on Friday, Turkey's state-run news agency
has reported that police have [0]detained 32 individuals allegedly linked
to the hacktivist group. The Anatolia news agency said today that the
suspects were taken into custody after conducting raids in a dozen cities
for suspected ties to Anonymous. The group recently [1]targeted Web sites
of the country's telecommunications watchdog, the prime minister's office
and parliament as a protest to Turkey's plans to introduce Internet
Discuss this story at:
| Hackers Expose 26,000 Sex Website Passwords
| from the naming-names dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday June 13, @05:20 (Privacy)
An anonymous reader writes "[0]Passwords and email addresses of almost
26,000 members of adult website have been released on the
internet by the notorious hacking group LulzSec. To add to the victims'
humiliation, LulzSec called on its followers to try the email/password
combinations against Facebook, and tell friends and family of the users
that they were subscribers to a pornographic website. In addition LulzSec
released passwords belonging to the administrators of dozens of other
adult websites, and highlighted military and government email addresses
that had signed up for the xxx-rated services."
Discuss this story at:
| Fermi Lab's New Particle Discovery in Question
| from the no-new-particle-for-you dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday June 13, @08:08 (Science)
"Back in April physicists at Fermilab speculated that they may have
[0]discovered a new force or particle. But now another team has analyzed
data from the collider and come to the exact [1]opposite conclusion. From
the article: 'But now, a rival team performing an independent analysis of
Tevatron data has turned up no sign of the bump. It is using the same
amount of data as CDF reported in April, but this data was collected at a
different detector at the collider called DZero. "Nope, nothing here ���
sorry," says Dmitri Denisov, a spokesman for DZero.'"
Discuss this story at:
| AI Takes On Pac-Man
| from the wakka-wakka-wakka-wakka dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday June 13, @08:42 (AI)
mikejuk writes "[0]AI takes on Pac-Man ��� well, in fact it plays both
sides. An annual competition challenges participants to write Java
programs to control Pac-Man or the ghosts. It might not be chess, but it
pits machine against machine, with algorithms going head-to-head as the
AI ghosts try and eat AI Pac-Man."
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| Biological Lasers
| from the pew-pew-pew dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday June 13, @09:20 (Biotech)
MancunianMaskMan writes "Sharks in the seas all around the world are
[0]interested in this story, though the less scientifically-minded will
read the summary on the beeb web site about [1]laser light produced by a
living cell. The technique starts by engineering a cell that can produce
a light-emitting protein that was first obtained from glowing jellyfish."
Discuss this story at:
| John Linnell of They Might Be Giants Talks Tech
| from the birdhouse-in-my-trs80 dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday June 13, @10:13 (Music)
[0]harrymcc writes "We've published Benj Edwards' wide-ranging
[1]interview with John Linnell, one half of the 30-year musical
partnership known as They Might Be Giants. He talks about his life as a
technology user--from his first encounter with the Radio Shack TRS-80 to
his mastery of Asteroids to the band's long-time use of Macs to its
pioneering experiments on online music."
Discuss this story at:
| Inside Amazon's Data Centers
| from the lookit-all-dem-wires dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday June 13, @10:58 (Cloud)
1sockchuck writes "Amazon Web Services usually doesn't say much about the
data centers powering its cloud computing platform. But last week the
company held a [0]technology open house to discuss the company's
infrastructure, sharing cost data and a glimpse of a modular data center
design. The key point: AWS is growing like crazy. 'Every day Amazon Web
Services adds enough new capacity to support all of's global
infrastructure through the company's first 5 years, when it was a $2.76
billion annual revenue enterprise,' said AWS Engineer James Hamilton,
whose [1]presentation (PDF) is available online."
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| EG8 Publishes Report In Noninteractive, Nonquotable Format
| from the of-course-they-did dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday June 13, @11:49 (Government)
[0]pbahra writes "You could not come up with a better illustration of the
clash of cultures that was the eG8 than the post-forum report. Was the
output of the two-day gathering in Paris published on a website so people
could link to it? Or perhaps a blog so that people could comment on it?
Or even a wiki, so the people who attended could contribute and correct
mistakes? No it wasn't. The report is a book. Or rather it is an eBook.
Except it isn't even an eBook, in the sense of something that you can
read on your Kindle or other eBook reader. It's actually [1]a Flash-based
page turner, the sort of thing that was all the rage five years ago. It
is a digital facsimile of a book. It is the triumph of design over
access. Being Flash, you can't even cut and paste what is in the file.
And being Flash it gives complete and total control to the authors. As a
user all you get to do is to read it, in exactly the way the authors want
you to. It looks good, but you can't do anything with it, except what the
authors tell you to do. Metaphor anyone?"
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| New FBI Operations Manual Increases Surveillance
| from the because-they-can dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday June 13, @12:37 (Government)
betterunixthanunix writes "The New York Times is reporting that the new
FBI operations manual suggests [0]a broad increase in surveillance.
Denoted the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, the manual
officially lowers the bar of acceptability when it comes to engaging in
surveillance activities, including allowing agents to perform such
surveillance on people who are not suspected terrorists without opening
an inquiry or officially recording their actions. The new manual also
relaxes rules on administering lie detector tests, searching through a
person's trash, and the use of teams to follow targeted individuals. It
should be noted that these guidelines still fall within the general
limits put in place by the attorney general."
Discuss this story at:
| Wisconsin Public Internet Struggles Against Telecom, Legislature
| from the always-two-there-are dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @13:16 (The Internet)
An anonymous reader writes with this snippet from Ars Technica: "The
University of Wisconsin's Internet technology division and a crucial
provider of 'Net access for Wisconsin's educational system are [0]under
attack from that state's legislature and from a local telecommunications
association. At issue is the WiscNet educational cooperative. The
non-profit provides affordable network access to the state's schools and
libraries, although its useful days may be numbered unless the picture
changes soon. Under a proposed new law, the University of Wisconsin
system could be forced to return millions of dollars in federal broadband
grants that it has already won, spend far more money on network services,
and perhaps even withdraw from the Internet2 project."
Discuss this story at:
| Ubiquitous Computing Gadget To Teach Coding
| from the i-know-kung-fu dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @13:54 (Education)
An anonymous reader writes "A distance learning university in the UK has
revamped its IT curriculum to attract more students ��� the biggest change
is that [0]budding coders will get a chunk of hardware which plugs into a
computer via USB and can be programmed using a language called Sense ���
based on MIT's Scratch 'drag and drop' programming language. The
university hopes this gadget-based approach will encourage fewer students
to give up on their studies."
Discuss this story at:
| Book Review: The Clean Coder
| from the read-all-about-it dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday June 13, @14:35 (Books)
[0]CoryFoy writes "As someone who has been closely involved in both the
'agile software' movement as well as the 'Software Craftsmanship'
movement, I have been following the work of Robert Martin for some time.
So I was quite interested when I got my copy of his latest book Clean
Coder where he 'introduces the disciplines, techniques, tools and
practices of true software craftsmanship.' Would his book live up to
being a guide for the next generation of developers, or would it go on my
shelf as another interesting book that I had read, once?" Read below for
the rest of Cory's review.
This story continues at:
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| Studying the Impact of Lost Shipping Containers
| from the modern-day-treasure dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @14:54 (Earth)
swellconvivialguy writes "Looking at a picture of the [0]world's largest
container ship, it's easy to visualize how [1]10,000 containers fall
overboard from these vessels every year. Scientists from the Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute are now undertaking the [2]Lost Container
Cruise, an attempt to gauge the effects of shipping containers lost at
sea by studying a tire-filled container, which marine biologists
discovered in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. ([3]The
research [PDF] is being funded by a multi-million dollar settlement with
the operators of the Med Taipei, the ship that lost the cargo.) The work
is not unlike studying a deep water shipwreck: Use robotic submarine to
take pictures and collect sediment samples; repeat."
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| Devs Worried Microsoft Will Dump<nobr> <wbr></nobr>.NET
| from the long-term-strategy-is-beholden-to-the-dollar dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @15:17 (Microsoft)
joelholdsworth passes along a story summing up concerns from developers
that "Microsoft seems to be set on [0]adopting HTML5 and JavaScript as
its main application development tools for Windows 8," and asking, "is
this the end of .NET?" The article continues: "To bet the farm on HTML5
and JavaScript being the next big thing is a good bet, but it's not a bet
that Microsoft can easily take and make good. Even if the world does turn
to JavaScript and platform-independent apps, this still means that
Microsoft loses. The problem is that Microsoft needs a technology that
gives it an edge, and HTML5/JavaScript is everybody's edge. Microsoft
developers feel left in the dark and very angry at the way they are being
treated. You only have to browse the Microsoft forums to discover how
strong the feeling is: [1]forum post 1, [2]forum post 2 and an [3]open
letter." Reader Sla$hPot points out [4]a similar story at OS News.
Discuss this story at:
| Legislation In the Works To Require Companies To Report Privacy Breaches
| from the thanks-sony dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @15:58 (Government)
An anonymous reader writes with news that a bill is being drafted by Rep.
Mary Bono Mack (R-Cal) that would make it [0]mandatory for companies to
notify the government within 48 hours of discovering a data breach.
"Mack's discussion draft promises to 'protect consumers by requiring
reasonable security policies and procedures to protect data containing
personal information, and to provide for nationwide notice in the event
of a security breach.' According to a background staff memo, the Secure
and Fortify Electronic Data [SAFE Data] Act, is based on a bill that
passed the House in the last Congress. ... Mack spokesman Ken Johnson
said there could be a few tweaks before it is formally introduced. 'But
it���s safe to say that we are going to have an aggressive timetable in
place for moving the bill through subcommittee and full committee,'
Johnson said. 'Consumers want something done soon.'"
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| Google's Android Ambitions Go Beyond Mobile
| from the my-toaster-runs-gingerbread dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @16:39 (Android)
PolygamousRanchKid writes "Android has become the top smartphone
operating system in the United States, but Google's ambitions for it go
well beyond tablet computers and smartphones, even beyond the mobile Web.
Now Google says Android can also become [0]the first mass-market bridge
between the virtual world and the physical world, allowing smartphone
apps to control light bulbs and home medical devices. Hoping to spark a
wave of creativity similar to what Apple started when it opened the
iPhone app store, Google distributed hundreds of circuitry kits to
developers at last month's I/O conference. The Android Open Accessory
Development Kit (ADK) allows Android's software to operate and
communicate with motors, sensors, controllers and relays, allowing
developers to create an interface in which a smartphone app could control
or collect data from a thermostat, a lawn irrigation system or a group of
lighting fixtures. 'The opportunity exists to dramatically change how you
control your home,' said Tom Benton of Lighting Science. Over time,
'we're talking about the elimination of the wall switch.'"
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| First Challenge To US Domain Seizures Filed
| from the amicus-briefs-at-dawn dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @17:17 (Government)
An anonymous reader writes "You may recall that the US government, mainly
through Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement division
(ICE) has been [0]seizing domain names over the past year, based on
[1]bad evidence, even leading to the 'accidental' seizure of [2]84,000
sites. While it has taken some time, the [3]first challenge has been
filed to the domain seizures, by the company Puerto 80, who runs
Rojadirecta, a Spanish internet forum that was seized because users
linked to streaming sporting events. Rojadirecta was declared perfectly
legal (twice!) in Spain, but the challenge obviously focuses on US law,
and how the seizure was improper and did not meet the qualifications for
a seizure, how the seizure violates the First Amendment by being improper
prior restraint on protected speech, and how Rojadirecta is not guilty of
criminal copyright infringement. This could represent a very important
case in determining the government's legal right to simply seize domain
Discuss this story at:
| Notch Announces <em>Minecraft</em> 'Adventure Update'
| from the blocky-indiana-jones-hat-sold-separately dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @17:37 (Games)
[0]jjp9999 writes "Notch announced that Minecraft 1.7 will [1]include the
long-awaited 'Adventure Update.' In an E3 roundup on his blog, Notch
wrote, 'The idea with this update is to flesh out the game a bit, making
it reward exploration and combat more.' Although he added, 'We're keeping
the details secret so people can get surprises,' Notch wrote back on July
7, 2010 that Adventure Mode would be [2]one of the three game modes in
Minecraft (the other two being Survival and Creative), and would include
a health bar and an inventory, but would remove the player's ability to
place or destroy blocks. He said the value of this is that 'people can
design "challenge maps" in creative or survival mode, then share them
with people so that they can try to beat them in Adventure mode.'
Interestingly, Notch also announced the release of the Minecraft source
code to a small group of mod developers, in his latest blog post."
Discuss this story at:
| Nissan LEAF Leaks Speed & Location To RSS Feed
| from the gotta-watch-those-hippies dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @17:54 (Privacy)
thecarchik writes "An intrepid tinkerer has discovered [0]yet another
security issue with the Nissan Leaf: it could be [1]revealing your
location and speed to websites around the globe. The issue stems from
[2]CARWINGS, the telematics system that Nissan devised for the Leaf. '...
when Leaf owners use Nissan's RSS reader to access sites like CNN, the
New York Times, or this one, CARWINGS supplies ... the exact location of
the vehicle ��� latitude and longitude ��� and even the speed at which the
vehicle is traveling at the time of the request.'"
Discuss this story at:
| LulzSec Hacks the US Senate
| from the going-for-the-gusto dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday June 13, @18:33 (Government)
[0]jfruhlinger writes "LulzSec might not be as famous as Anonymous ���
they're really best known for hacking sites they like, to prove a point
about security ��� but they may have just raised their profile
significantly, posting what appears to be [1]data taken from an
internally facing server at the US Senate. However, the fun-loving group
might find that the Senate [2]reacts a lot more harshly to intrusions
than, say, [3]PBS did." The group also recently [4]grabbed data from
Bethesda Softworks.
Discuss this story at:
| Shuttleworth: Chrome Nearly Replaced FF In Ubuntu
| from the chrome's-not-bad-at-all dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday June 13, @19:11 (Chrome)
[0]jbrodkin writes "Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth is a big fan of
Google Chrome, and says the browser [1]could replace the standard Firefox
in future versions of Ubuntu Linux. 'We looked at it closely in the last
cycle and the decision was to stick with Firefox,' he says. But the work
that Google is doing with Chrome OS ��� essentially the Chrome browser on
top of Linux ��� is potentially leading to a future in which 'Chrome on
Ubuntu and Chrome on Linux is a better experience than Chrome on any
other platform [i.e. Windows and Mac].' In a wide-ranging interview,
Shuttleworth also discussed why he spent $20 million to become a space
tourist but doesn't own a smartphone, controversies over Linux and Unity,
the future of Ubuntu tablets, and says the move toward putting personal
data in the cloud is 'a little scary.'"
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| Mac OS X Lion Has a Browser-Only Mode
| from the meme-gets-around-quick dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday June 13, @19:30 (OS X)
dkd903 writes "It turns out that there is a feature in OS X Lion which no
one expected and was never announced at WWDC. The feature we are talking
about is 'Restart to Safari.' As you might have guessed from the name,
this feature makes it possible to [0]restart the Mac into just the Safari
browser and nothing else."
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| Ask Slashdot: Web Site Editing Software For the Long Haul?
| from the when-tripods-collapse dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday June 13, @19:58 (Programming)
[0]MouseR writes "It seems we can't rely on software, in particular Web
site editing software, to exist for the long haul. Every time I rely on
something, it takes only a couple of years before it gets trashed. I have
used GoLive's CyberStudio before it got engulfed as GoLive from Adobe.
Both got trashed. I eventually used Apple's .Mac HomePage. It got trashed
and replaced with iWeb. I then used iWeb, hosted on MobileMe, and Apple
just killed it again, along with the hosting. So, as I'm preparing to
move my stuff on various web sites, onto my own hosting server
(outsourced), I'm wondering what kind of visual web site editor(s) I
could use, for the long haul. I'm rather sick of changing tools every
other year and as a software developer, would rather spend my time
editing my web site rather than code it. Any suggestions?"
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