Did you see this? “Bowing to pressure from immigrant rights activists, the Obama administration said Thursday that it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria, such as attending school, having family in the military or having primary responsible for other family members’ care.” – Washington Post, August 19, 2011. Translated, this means the administration will grant backdoor amnesty to illegal immigrants by making changes to internal enforcement policies rather than an act of Congress.
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano even had the audacity to say, “This case-by-case approach will enhance public safety.”
So while the Obama administration seeks to grant a back-door amnesty program to those who break the law – they come after me for enforcing existing immigration laws!
How, you might ask? Barack Obama’s Justice Department has sued me for enforcing illegal immigration laws here in Arizona…They even opened a “civil rights” investigation into my policies…They even worked hand-in-hand with the ultra-liberal ACLU to bring a lawsuit against Arizona for passing a tough anti-illegal immigration law. You have been such a staunch supporter of my campaign for re-election as Sheriff, so I’m writing to you again today to ask for your help. 
I won’t be intimated by the Obama Justice Department…just as I won’t be intimated by the Mexican Drug Cartel’s placing a $1 MILLION bounty on my head…and just as I won’t be intimated by the daily death threats I receive…all for doing the job I was elected to do!
Nothing – not even Barack Obama’s back-door amnesty scheme – will keep me from doing my job of enforcing the laws on the books. Our great nation was founded on the rule of law – not of men! I made it clear that the Justice Department can make whatever threats they want to, but I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitutions of both the state of Arizona and the United States. As long as the laws are on the books, I’m going to enforce them unapologetically. But I desperately need your help. It's going to take a lot of resources to combat the attacks and false allegations against me and my deputies. We anticipate a very expensive campaign to defend myself and my record. I cannot compete with the local and national media machines that distort my record and the job I’m doing to protect this country. And, I don’t have the personal resources to defend myself from these vicious attacks. I have to go directly to the people for their support. I need good people like you in this country to stand behind me and help me fight this fight. Sincerely, Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County, Arizona P.S. Please don’t delete this email. Your support is critical in standing up to the Obama Amnesty scheme. They’ll be coming after me with everything they got, but if you stand with me we will claim victory. Please contribute today and forward this to at least five of your friends who share our concern about the direction of the country.
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