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SHAKE things up at CampaignTech 2011. (We promise it’ll be better than the earthquake.)

Say goodbye to boring digital conferences and shake it up with CampaignTech 2011, Campaigns & Elections' latest digital-political conference. With panels like The Gamification of Politics and Advocacy, Finding Your Blogger Voice as a Candidate and Targeting Voters with Online Advertising, you're sure to have a rockin' good time and learn a lot too. (C'mon, we had an earthquake yesterday. We had to insert a few cheesy references somewhere.)

Join us for the conference that the digital-political community is talking about. Candidates, campaign professionals, advocates and technologists will learn how to better prepare for their next digital campaign from more than 65 top-notch confirmed speakers from Capitol Hill to organizations, including Microsoft, the Office of the House Majority Leader, Edelman, Ogilvy Public Relations, Obama for America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and JESS3.

Want to save big? Register by September 16th to receive the Early Bird rate or register four or more people to save with group registration.

View our full agenda here and the complete list of speakers here.


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CampaignTech Conference

The Washington Marriott

1221 22nd Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

(202) 872-1500

*discounted room rate of $199/night available by mentioning Campaigns & Elections

Early Bird Registration: $520

Conference Registration: $610

Four or More: $505/person

Student/Academic (with valid ID): $375

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