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Huge News: Bush Tax Cuts Get More Democratic Support

An Urgent Message from Our Sponsor, The League of American Voters

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Since we started our national campaign with Senator Fred Thompson to have the Bush Tax Cuts fully renewed, we have made enormous progress.

In fact, the Washington Post reports in Friday's paper "With the economy rapidly weakening, some senior Democrats are having second thoughts about raising taxes on the nation's wealthiest families and are pressing party leaders to consider extending the full array of Bush administration tax cuts, at least through next year."

As you know, we at the League of American Voters, working with Senator Fred Thompson, took the lead on this issue, including airing TV commercials across the United States.

These ads have had a powerful effect.

Millions have heard our message and over 250,000 Americans have signed our petition to renew the Bush tax cuts.

Congress is hearing your voice!

Just months ago Obama, Pelosi and Reid said they planned to only partially renew the Bush tax cuts.

This would have simply been disastrous to the U.S. economy.

One major British economist formerly with the Bank of England has warned of a full blown depression if the Bush Tax Cuts are not renewed.

But due to our national efforts, Democrats realize the American people won't put up with an automatic tax hike at the end of this year.

The Washington Post says that economist Mark Zandi, a key adviser to House Speaker Pelosi, has advised the Democrats to fully renew the Bush tax cuts for at least one year.

"With 9.5 percent unemployment - which is clearly going to move higher - raising taxes is a gamble that is unnecessary," Zandi said.

But the Post says many far left Democrats still want the Bush cuts to fully expire.

So we need to continue our efforts.

We are still airing our national ads, but we need to do more.

It's likely Congress will take up the Bush Tax Cuts this September. We need to prepare now and get our message out to millions more.

If you have not seen our powerful ad with Fred Thompson — Go Here Now.

But most importantly help us put Fred's ad on more TV stations and networks across the country.

Please help our worthy cause — Donate Here Now

Thank you again for your support.

Yours for America,

Bob Adams
Executive Director

P.S. Dick Morris says the League of American Voters is "one of the most effective organizations in America. They deserve support." We have a unique chance to prove ourselves again, and get the Bush tax cuts renewed. And next year we will lead the fight with a new Congress to make these cuts permanent. But we can't do it without your help. Help us today — Go Here Now

Paid for by the League of American Voters. Contributions to the League of American Voters
are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Contributions from individuals and corporations are permitted by law and welcome.

League of American Voters    |    722 12th Street N.W.    |    Fourth Floor    |    Washington, D.C. 20005

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