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Reid In Retreat! Now We Attack!


Dear Newsmax Reader:

Please find below a special message from Dick Morris and our sponsoring advertiser, Americans for New Leadership. They have some important information to share with you. Thank you.



Dear Friend,

As a direct result of your contributions (all $400,000 of them), we have been able to stop Harry Reid's advance in Nevada and roll back his gains. Now we need more money to go over to the offensive!

After the primary in Nevada, you will recall, Reid put up a negative ad using a doctored clip of Sharron Angle, his Republican opponent, seemingly saying that she wanted to "phase out Social Security and Medicare." The ad sent her reeling. She did not have the money to counter it and Reid piled on $1 million behind the negative. Angle fell from a 9 point lead to a 7 point deficit under the impact of this ad. Some gave up.

We didn't. We appealed to you for funds for the Americans for New Leadership, the Independent Expenditure group sponsoring the ads and put up a rebuttal ad.

The rebuttal accurately explained that Angle wanted to phase out the method of financing Social Security and Medicare so that the Congress and the Democrats couldn't borrow the money to fund their deficit spending.

With $400,000 behind the rebuttal, Angle moved up in the polls and now leads Reid 46-43 in our polls.

The next step we want to take is to put up a very simple ad that contrasts Reid's and Angle's positions on the issues. As a result of Reid's attacks, Angle has acquired the reputation for taking eccentric and flakey positions on issues. We want to stress that "on the issues that matter, Reid is wrong, wrong, wrong."

So here's the ad we want to run:

"Do you support the $850 billion stimulus package Obama passed last year? Reid voted yes. Sharron Angle says no.

The TARP bailout? Reid, yes, Angle no

Cap and Trade? Reid backs it. Angle is opposed.

Obamacare? Reid pushed it through. Angle says repeal it.

On the issues that really matter, Reid is wrong, wrong, wrong."

Our coffers are bare. We have enough to produce the ad but not to air it. Please send us additional funds so that we can go on the offensive and put his race away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLICK HERE to donate.


Dick Morris

Contributions to Americans For New Leadership are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. As a nonconnected, unauthorized federal political committee that will do only independent expenditures, Americans For New Leadership may accept unlimited contributions from individuals. Contributions from federal government contractors, national banks, foreign nationals without permanent residency status (non-green card holders) and children under the age of 18 are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

Paid for by Americans For New Leadership
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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