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Climate & Politics: Famous skeptic succumbs to logic

Grist: Top environmental news from around the globe

Dyspepsia: the choice of a new generation

How bad are the next few years going to suck?

Really bad. That's how bad they're going to suck. David Roberts explains.


Texaco (now Chevron) deliberately dumped 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the Amazon rainforest. The waste contaminated water, killed wildlife and endangered the lives of tens of thousands of indigenous men, women and children.
Demand that Chevron addresses one of the world's most egregious environmental disasters.


‘Skeptical environmentalist’ Bjørn Lomborg reverses his climate skepticism

Grant him this: Dude knows how to play the media. Who else could get such attention for adopting a position already held by millions of sensible people? Read more.



Exclusive: Fannie regulator digs in on clean-energy opposition

The Federal Housing Finance Agency solidified its opposition to Property Assessed Clean Energy in a letter to members of Congress, telling them it doesn't see a way to let the program move forward. Jonathan Hiskes explains what this means for the popular home-greening program.

Plus, Fannie and Freddie say PACE homeowners must pay up before refinancing.


Cash for Coal Clunkers

We should pay to shut down dirty old coal plants

“You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” Inspired by this adage, we could create a positive financial incentive to induce power companies to shut down old coal plants. And because coal plants are so costly to society, a Cash for Coal Clunkers program could be revenue neutral. Find out more.


Attention Congress: China is shutting down its old coal plants

Certain members of the U.S. Congress believe that America shouldn't do anything about climate change until China does. Putting aside the moral illogic of that position, let's focus on something China is doing: shutting down old, dirty coal plants. David Roberts explains.


Fed Letter Day

Want a car that gets good grades? Buy a hybrid

The federal government plans to grade cars based on their fuel efficiency. And that "C" for the Ford F-150 pickup will be prominently displayed on every F-150 in dealer showrooms. Needless to say, not everyone is happy. Plus, climate scientist Michael Mann vindicated -- again -- and poison ivy to grow bigger and faster with climate change. Read more.


Crude conversation

Will we ever get off oil? [AUDIO]

If the Gulf oil disaster -- the biggest oil “spill” in history -- isn’t enough to make us reconsider crude, then what will be? Oil provides nearly 40 percent of America's power, and presents a grave threat to our environment, economy, health, and national security. Is anybody out there hatching plans for a post-oil world? Our expert panel tackles whether and how we'll move beyond our fossil fuel of choice. Listen in!


tap that

Geothermal: Getting energy from the Earth

The heat in the upper six miles of the Earth's crust contains 50,000 times as much energy as found in all the world's oil and gas reserves combined. Only 10,700 megawatts of geothermal electricity generating capacity have been harnessed worldwide. But the potential of geothermal energy to provide electricity, to heat homes, and to supply process heat for industry is vast. Find out more.


My smart meter, my self

California’s smart meter fears

No one said transforming the century-old power system into a state of-the-art digital smart grid was going to be easy. But California already is getting bogged down in a growing fight over installing smart utility meters in homes. Read more.


U.N. climate panel needs to ‘fundamentally reform,’ review finds

New rules push oil inspectors to clean up their act
by Randy Rieland

Remember that massive clean-energy bill Obama signed?
by Jonathan Hiskes

Obama turns an even lighter shade of green
by Randy Rieland

Climate change poses big risks to China’s crops and economy, study finds

Eco-amnesia costs the U.S. $20 billion a year
by Terry Tamminen

California Legislature passes energy storage bill
by Todd Woody

Swapping health care for people to get health care for forests
by Ashley Braun

With drilling stalled in the Gulf, Big Oil sets its sights on the Arctic
by Randy Rieland

When streets tell the truth about people riding in cars (and on bikes)
by Ashley Braun

California moves to set up auction market for green energy
by Todd Woody

Does anyone take science seriously?
by Randy Rieland

Creating 625,000 jobs and saving $64 billion through energy efficiency
by Joseph Romm


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