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We've streamlined our story page!

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Dear Newser reader,

Our community is growing (that's a good thing!), and we felt our comment area should reflect that. So, starting today, we're dedicating a whole page to comments. On all story pages, you'll notice a comment tab above the story text. Click it, and you'll be taken to an entire page of comments about that story. In addition, we've expanded the number of comments shown on this new page so you can quickly see more comments than before. On top of that, we're introducing real-time commenting, which lets you see if there are new comments on a story without having to refresh your page. To turn this off, click "pause" in the area above the comments. Below the story (where the comments used to live) you'll now see a quick view of the most recent comments, along with buttons to leave a comment or take you to the comment page.

Besides the comment area changes, you'll also notice small tweaks scattered about the story page. We've consolidated the share tools, added a Facebook "like" button, and streamlined the design to create a faster, sleeker page. Enjoy!

The Newser Team

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