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[GV Daily] Azerbaijan: Violations reported as parliamentary elections approach

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Monday, October 4, 2010
Azerbaijan: Violations reported as parliamentary elections approach
As parliamentary elections approach in Azerbaijan, candidates go through the final registration process. However, the process has not been without allegations of violations and the frustration not only of candidates, but also of observers and local activists. Bloggers and candidates comment.>>Read more
Exiled Tibetans Protesting Seizing of Ballot Boxes In Nepal
 Angry Tibetans around the world are condemning Nepal's actions in confiscating their ballot boxes by protesting in front of the Nepalese consulates. In New York, despite the rain, they carried banners and shouted, "China respect Democracy in Nepal," and "Nepal, Give Back Our Ballot Boxes Now." >>Read more
Madagascar: A Referendum on the New Constitution Proposal
 A referendum on a new constitution has been scheduled for November 17. The holding of a referendum is still heavily disputed by both the opposition and the international community. Malagasy bloggers have dissected and analyzed some of the changes suggested in the proposal and offer their own perspectives. >>Read more
Algeria: On the Rich, the Poor and the Middle Class
What is it like to be poor? And what is it like to be rich? Algerian Salim looks into the two situations and also reflects (Ar) on those who are hanging in between. >>Read more

Tanzania: The Use of Social Media in 2010 Tanzania General Election
Tanzania will go to the polls on October 30, 2010 and as election campaigns heat up, we are looking at the use new media tools by election candidates. Along with campaign rallies, which target the majority of the population, a small number of politicians have started to use social media tools such as blogs, online videos, Facebook and twitter to create deeper engagement with voters. >>Read more

More posts on Global Voices today...
Malaysia: Home Ministry Bans Controversial Book
Peru: Mayoral Elections as Seen by Bloggers
Nepal's Leadership Vacuum: No End in Sight
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