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Politics: As G.O.P. Seeks Spending Cuts, Details Are Scarce

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Shirley Freeman and other volunteers at Representative Dan Lungren's campaign headquarters in Rancho Cordova, Calif.

As G.O.P. Seeks Spending Cuts, Details Are Scarce

Budget analysts said Republicans were glossing over the difficulty of carrying out their ideas.

The Caucus

Campaigns Don't Coordinate. Really.

Campaigns and national party groups are forbidden to communicate, but their efforts often seem coordinated.


The Caucus

N.A.A.C.P. Examines Race in the Tea Party Movement

The nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization declares that the Tea Party is "permeated with concerns about race."

Who Won the Debate? I Did!

In these days of hyper-fast, blog-fueled coverage of politics, campaigns declare debate victory themselves.

Is That an Austrian Accent I Hear?

In a new ad, the Brown campaign offers a mash-up of Meg Whitman and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Soros Donates $1 Million to Media Matters

The liberal activist group has waged a rhetorical war against Fox News and others in the conservative press.

More News on the Midterm Elections

Representative Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota Republican elected in 2006, greeting voters recently in Woodbury, Minn.

Tea Party Figure Raises Profile, and $9.5 Million

Michele Bachmann, the polarizing Republican who founded a Tea Party caucus in Congress, rarely draws a tepid response.

Sharron Angle
News Analysis

Video From Angle Event Reopens Subject of Race

Statements by Sharron Angle, the Senate candidate, to Hispanic students in Nevada reflect how race has changed as a topic in campaigns.

Representative John D. Dingell, Democrat of Michigan, Monday in Ann Arbor, where he announced federal aid for bridge repairs.

Michigan's Dingell Counting on a 29th Victory

The House's longest-serving member is facing a challenge from a wealthy cardiologist with Tea Party leanings.

Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead

Donors will head to Palm Springs in January, but not to relax after the elections - to plan for the next round.

Rivals for Obama's Senate Seat Keep Up Attacks

Alexi Giannoulias, the Illinois state treasurer, and Mark Steven Kirk, a Republican congressman, have faced questions about their pasts.

Letter From Connecticut

Murder Trial Puts Death Penalty in Spotlight in Connecticut Campaigns

The triple murder-trial of Steven J. Hayes has been riveting the state all fall, increasing the majority of voters who tell pollsters they support capital punishment.

Opposing Excessive Rent, but Vague About His Own

Jimmy McMillan, running for governor as the candidate of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party, has made contradictory statements about his own rent situation.

More Politics News

Justice Clarence Thomas; his wife, Virginia Thomas, center; and Anita Hill.

Clarence Thomas's Wife Asks Anita Hill for Apology

Virginia Thomas called Ms. Hill about sexual harassment accusations she made against Justice Thomas in 1991.

Austan Goolsbee, of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, at an interview Tuesday.

White House Economist Puts Message on the Web

Austan Goolsbee is the pitchman in a series of Web videos the White House is using to convey the president's message on economic policy.

Dan Choi, who was discharged from the U.S. Army under don't ask, don't tell, attempted to reenlist at the Armed Forces Recruiting Station in Manhattan's Times Square.

U.S. Military Moves to Accept Gay Recruits

The military began the new policy to comply with decisions by a federal judge in California.

Political Times

Campaign Money Tends to Flow to the Opposition

Republicans' fund-raising advantage is likely more a function of the frustration of their supporters than changes in the campaign finance landscape.


Gubernatorial Forecast Update: Can Tancredo Win in Colorado?

Colorado's three-way race shows some interesting dynamics, while Vermont remains inscrutable.

Economic Scene

Proving Innovation in Medicare

A proposal to rein in Medicare spending would allow coverage of treatments for three years to prove that they work better than cheaper treatments.


Slide Show: The Southern Democrat

From Virginia to Florida and South Carolina to Texas, nearly two dozen Democratic seats are susceptible to a potential Republican surge in Congressional races on Election Day.

Interactive Feature: Key House Races in the 2010 Elections

Analysis of key house races in the 2010 elections.

Video: Will Black Voters Turn Out This Year?

In North Carolina's Eighth Congressional district, Representative Larry Kissell, a Democrat, is having trouble with African-American voters, especially after his vote against the health care bill.

Interactive Graphic: Tracking Campaign Money: A Guide

Court rulings and rule changes this year loosened some restrictions on campaign support and spending. Here's how.


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