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Mark Serwotka: "I admire Scargill" | John Pilger on brainwashing | Pakistan's tweeters take on the state | Miliband wins at PMQs again

New Statesman  

Weekly Online
23 June 2011

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Editor's Choice

Five must-read pieces from the magazine

  1. "I admire a lot of what Arthur Scargill did"
    Mark Serwotka is ready to lead his union into battle on 30 June. And he's not afraid to invoke the Tories' favourite bogeyman. By Mehdi Hasan

  2. Dave and Nick need to fake it now that the romance has gone
    How will the two parties convince voters that coalition is still a viable option for 2015? By Rafael Behr

  3. Brainwashing the polite, professional and British way
    In Britain as in America, the object of training professionals is to produce a class of "managers" who instinctively muffle dissent. By John Pilger

  4. Bridesmaids (15); Putty Hill (PG)
    An exquisite display of panic and paranoia. By Ryan Gilbey

  5. Leader: Stop playing politics with public-sector pensions
    Ministers must negotiate with the unions in good faith.

Most read blogs

  1. Elected Labour chair to be dropped
    Proposal was supported by both Miliband brothers. By Dan Hodges

  2. The great Egyptian divide: bikinis or beards
    Islamists and secularists vie for public opinion in the run up to September's elections. By Emanuelle Degli Esposti

  3. JK Rowling keeps Harry Potter fans guessing over next venture
    The mystery surrounding Rowling's next move is almost as exciting as the thing itself. By Steven Baxter

  4. PMQs review: Miliband trips Cameron up again
    The Labour leader's new strategy is serving him well. By George Eaton

  5. Pakistan's tweeters take on the state
    Twitter has become a major channel for dissent, comment and dark humour against the grinding ISI state. By Catriona Luke

The issue is on sale now, or you can subscribe through the website. Get a FREE copy of Owen Jones's Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class when you start your annual subscription today for just £87.

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Compass Conference 2011: Building the Good Society
25 June 2011, 09:45-5pm
Over 90 speakers including: Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass; Andrea Nahles MP, General Secretary, SPD; Jon Cruddas MP; Caroline Lucas MP; Chuka Umunna MP; Mehdi Hasan, New Statesman; Prof Richard Sennett; Baroness Prof Ruth Lister CBE; Prof Francesca Klug OBE; Polly Toynbee, The Guardian.

Venue: Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Website: www.compassonline.org.uk
Email: gavin@compassonline.org.uk



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