|  | Reason.tv: Give Us Liberty? Q&A with Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe of FreedomWorks
Here's how Freedom Works' Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe sum up what the Tea Party stands for in their new book, Give us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto : "It doesn't take a lot of words to say that we just want to be free. Free to lead our lives as we please, so long as we don't infringe on the same freedom of others."
Can this coalition stay together, stick to its anti-spending message, and actually change American politics? Or will it be co-opted by the very party upon which it seeks to perform a "hostile takeover?"
Reason.tv's Nick Gillespie sat down with Armey and Kibbe to discuss these issues and more.
Click here to watch.
Good Intentions Gone Bad: The problem with the Americans With Disabilities Act The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities, requiring businesses to provide the disabled "equal access" and to make "reasonable accommodation" for employees. Tax credits and deductions are available for special equipment and modifying buildings to comply with the accessibility mandate. It was supposed to help more disabled people find jobs. But as John Stossel writes, employment among the disabiled has actually declined since the ADA went into effect. Why? Because the law turns "protected" people into potential lawsuits.
Join Nick Gillespie, Matt Welch, Ron Bailey, and Jacob Sullum on Reason's weeklong Caribbean cruise in February 2011. Sign up today!
The Pointless Prosecution of Roger Clemens: All perjuries are not created equal If it were a crime to venture onto Capitol Hill to reveal yourself as a self-absorbed liar with an inability to admit mistakes, writes Steve Chapman, there would be tumbleweeds blowing through the vacant halls of Congress. Fortunately for members of the legislative branch, that is not a crime. Unless your name is Roger Clemens.
Hit & Run, Reason's Staff Blog Malthusian Terrorist Product of a Green Climate of Hate? The good news is that yesterday's Malthusian terror attack on the Discovery Channel headquarters ended with only the death of the perpetrator, James Jay Lee. But what motivated this assault?
It's long been a trope of the Left that the "rightwing" rhetoric is inciting unstable people to violence. Maybe. But surely, in this case, there can be little doubt that environmentalist rhetoric inspired this act of violence. We don't know, but did Lee come across such rhetoric as that deployed by environmentalist radical Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, who unapologetically refers to humanity as the "AIDS of the Earth"?...
Read the rest here.
Posted by Ronald Bailey http://reason.com/blog/2010/09/02/malthusian-terrorist-product-o
Daily Brickbat Speak French or Leave Cherie LeBlanc says her 9-year-old son Justin was struggling with French in his Quebec elementary school, so she asked school officials to move him to an English language school because he does better in English. But the government rejected her request because Justin's father is a francophone, and under Quebec law, the children of French speakers must be educated in French. LeBlanc was born in the United States, and Justin has dual citizenship, so she says the two of them will move to Delaware where he can be schooled in English, while her husband and their other children will remain in Canada.
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