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[Slashdot] Stories for 2010-09-03

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Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* A New Species of Patent Troll
* Li-Ion Batteries Get Green Seal of Approval
* Charles Darwin's Best-Kept Secret
* Australian Crackdown On Console Modchips Likely To Continue
* Target To Sell Facebook "Credits" As Gift Cards
* <em>Lineage II</em> Addiction Lawsuit Makes It Past the EULA
* Solving an Earth-Sized Jigsaw Puzzle
* The Best Video Games On Awful Systems
* IBM Unveils Fastest Microprocessor Ever
* Hawking Picks Physics Over God For Big Bang
* Woman Wins Libel Suit By Suing Wrong Website
* Samsung Shows Off Galaxy Tab, Android Allegiance
* Ping Could Be Apple's Social Networking Backdoor?
* Facebook Post Juror Gets Fined, Removed, Assigned Homework
* Open Source PS3 Jailbreak Released
* Another Gulf Oil Rig Explodes
* Cisco Planning To Acquire Skype
* New German Government ID Hacked By CCC
* AMD Hates Laptop Stickers As Much As You Do
* UN Telecom Chief Urges Blackberry Data Sharing
* DNA-Less 'Red Rain' Cells Reproduce At 121 C
* GameStop Pulls <em>Medal of Honor</em> From Military Bases
* Flash On Android Is 'Shockingly Bad'
* Canon Develops 8 X 8 Inch Digital CMOS Sensor
* Video Appliance For a Large Library On a Network?

| A New Species of Patent Troll |
| from the easy-money dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 01, @22:18 (Businesses) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0013250/A-New-Species-of-Patent-Troll |

Geoffrey.landis writes "According to the Wall Street Journal, there's a
new species of patent troll out there. These new trolls [0]sue companies
that sell products with an expired patent number on them. That's right,
it's against the law to sell a product that's marked with an expired
patent number. The potential fine? $500. Per violation. And some of the
companies have patent numbers on old plastic molds that have made
literally billions of copies. Using whistle-blower laws, 'anyone can file
a claim on behalf of the government, and plaintiffs must split any fine
award evenly with it.' You've been warned."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467004575463843289453872.html

| Li-Ion Batteries Get Green Seal of Approval |
| from the earth-approved dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 01, @23:04 (Power) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0017208/Li-Ion-Batteries-Get-Green-Seal-of-App|

thecarchik writes "It is not an easy task to [0]compare the environmental
effects of battery powered cars to those caused by conventionally fueled
automobiles. The degree to which manufacture, usage and disposal of the
batteries used to store the necessary electrical energy are detrimental
to the environment is not exactly known. Now, for the first time, a team
of Empa scientists have made a detailed life cycle assessment (LCA) or
ecobalance of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, in particular the
chemically improved (i.e. more environmentally friendly) version of the
ones most frequently used in electric vehicles. Researchers decided to
find out for sure. They calculated the ecological footprints of electric
cars fitted with Li-ion batteries, taking into account all possible
relevant factors, from those associated with the production of individual
parts all the way through to the scrapping of the vehicle and the
disposal of the remains, including the operation of the vehicle during
its lifetime."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.allcarselectric.com/blog/1048867_lithium-ion-batteries-get-green-kudos-better-than-gasoline

| Charles Darwin's Best-Kept Secret |
| from the garden-of-darwin dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 02, @00:42 (Science) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0255256/Charles-Darwins-Best-Kept-Secret |

beschra writes "BBC writes of [0]'terra-forming' Ascension Island, one of
the islands Charles Darwin visited. He and a friend encouraged the Royal
Navy to import boatloads of trees and plants in an attempt to capture the
little bit of water that fell on the island. They were quite successful.
The island even has a cloud forest now. From the article: '[British
ecologist] Wilkinson thinks that the principles that emerge from that
experiment could be used to transform future colonies on Mars. In other
words, rather than trying to improve an environment by force, the best
approach might be to work with life to help it "find its own way."'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11137903

| Australian Crackdown On Console Modchips Likely To Continue |
| from the all-over-down-under dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Thursday September 02, @01:41 (Australia) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0436232/Australian-Crackdown-On-Console-Modchips-|

[0]angry tapir writes "Late last week an Australian court [1]issued an
injunction against a handful of retailers selling or importing hardware ���
commonly known as 'mod chips' ��� that allows unauthorized software to run
on Sony's PlayStation 3. The court also required that the four parties
that were the subject of the injunction actually hand over to Sony any
PlayStation modchips they have. Sony's PlayStation 3 mod chip lawsuit
[2]could be just the first of many such cases in Australia, according to
a lawyer who defended a client against Nintendo in [3]a similar case
earlier this year."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/
1. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/08/27/150227/Sony-Halts-Sales-of-PS3-Jailbreak-Dongle
2. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/359071/playstation_3_modchip_lawsuit_first_many_says_lawyer/
3. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/02/18/0646211/Nintendo-Wins-Lawsuit-Over-R4-Mod-Chip-Piracy

| Target To Sell Facebook "Credits" As Gift Cards |
| from the a-bucks-worth-of-farmville dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 02, @02:48 (Social Networks) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/031223/Target-To-Sell-Facebook-Credits-As-Gift-Card|

Julie188 writes "Target will begin selling Facebook's virtual currency as
gift cards on September 5, becoming the first brick-and-mortar retailer
to do so. [0]Facebook Credit gift cards will be available in $15, $25 and
$50 denominations at the retailer's 1,750 stores. That's right, you can
now spend real dollars to get fake ones so you can buy imaginary items
for games like FarmVille, Bejeweled and 150 other FB games or apps. If
that interests you, please contact me. I have some swamp land in Florida
I'd like to show you."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://gigaom.com/2010/09/01/facebook-credits-are-coming-to-a-target-near-you/

| <em>Lineage II</em> Addiction Lawsuit Makes It Past the EULA |
| from the four-little-letters dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Thursday September 02, @03:29 (The Courts) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0447259/Lineage-II-Addiction-Lawsuit-Makes-It-Pas|

We recently discussed a man who [0]sued NCsoft for making Lineage II "too
addictive" after he spent 20,000 hours over five years playing it. Now,
several readers have pointed out that the lawsuit has [1]progressed past
its first major hurdle: the EULA. Quoting: "NC Interactive has responded
the way most software companies and online services have for more than a
decade: it argued that the claims are barred by its end-user license
agreement, which in this case capped the company's liability to the
amount Smallwood paid in fees over six months prior to his filing his
complaint (or thereabouts). One portion of the EULA specifically stated
that lawsuits could only be brought in Texas state court in Travis
County, where NC Interactive is located. ... But the judge in this case,
US District Judge Alan C. Kay, noted that both Texas and Hawaii law
[2]bar contract provisions that waive in advance the ability to make
gross-negligence claims. He also declined to dismiss Smallwood's claims
for negligence, defamation, and negligent infliction of emotional

Discuss this story at:

0. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/08/20/1615211/NCsoft-Sued-For-Making-Lineage-II-Too-Addictive
1. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/31/lineage_ii_eula_defeat/
2. http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/sroosa/software-license-agreement-takes-it-chin

| Solving an Earth-Sized Jigsaw Puzzle |
| from the get-the-edges-first dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 02, @04:56 (Supercomputing) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/037223/Solving-an-Earth-Sized-Jigsaw-Puzzle |

aarondubrow writes "Three years ago, researchers from Caltech and The
University of Texas at Austin came together to create a computational
tool that could model the Earth and answer the most pressing questions in
geophysics: What controls the speed of plates? How do microplates
interact? How much energy do the plates generate and how does it
dissipate? Using a new geodynamics software package they developed, the
[0]researchers have modeled plate motion with greater accuracy than ever
before. The project is also a finalist for the Gordon Bell Prize ��� high
performance computing's Oscar ��� at this year's SC10 conference."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/news/feature-stories/2010/solving-an-earth-sized-jigsaw-puzzle/

| The Best Video Games On Awful Systems |
| from the diamond-in-the-rough dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Thursday September 02, @06:39 (Classic Games (Games)) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0454258/The-Best-Video-Games-On-Awful-Systems |

Buffalo55 writes "For the most part, classic games manage to reappear on
different systems. Just look at Nintendo. The publisher has done an
excellent job bringing NES, SNES, Genesis and even old school Neo Geo
titles to the Wii's Virtual Console, while Microsoft's Game Room brings
the best of Atari's 2600 into the living room. Of course, not every
console was a success. The '90s, in particular, saw quite a few flops
from companies like Panasonic, Sega and Atari. Just because a system is a
failure, though, doesn't mean all of its games suck. On the contrary,
[0]most of these machines have a few gems that fell between the cracks
once the console croaked." What overlooked game on a failed platform
would you like to see revived?

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.rundlc.com/news/the-best-video-games-on-crappy-systems/

| IBM Unveils Fastest Microprocessor Ever |
| from the greased-lightning dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 02, @07:57 (IBM) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/0257236/IBM-Unveils-Fastest-Microprocessor-Eve|

adeelarshad82 writes "IBM revealed [0]details of its 5.2-GHz chip, the
fastest microprocessor ever announced. Costing hundreds of thousands of
dollars, IBM described the z196, which will power its Z-series of
mainframes. The z196 contains 1.4 billion transistors on a chip measuring
512 square millimeters fabricated on 45-nm PD SOI technology. It contains
a 64KB L1 instruction cache, a 128KB L1 data cache, a 1.5MB private L2
cache per core, plus a pair of co-processors used for cryptographic
operations. IBM is set to ship the chip in September."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2368264,00.asp

| Hawking Picks Physics Over God For Big Bang |
| from the there-is-no-god dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @08:54 (Books) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1235245/Hawking-Picks-Physics-Over-God-For-Big-|

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The Guardian reports that in his new book, The
Grand Design, Professor Stephen Hawking argues that the Big Bang, rather
than occurring following the intervention of a divine being, was
[1]inevitable due to the law of gravity. 'Because there is a law such as
gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.
Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than
nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist,' Hawking writes. 'It is
not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the
universe going.' Hawking had previously appeared to accept the role of
God in the creation of the universe. Writing in his bestseller A Brief
History Of Time in 1988, Hawking wrote: 'If we discover a complete
theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason ��� for then we
should know the mind of God.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/sep/02/stephen-hawking-big-bang-creator

| Woman Wins Libel Suit By Suing Wrong Website |
| from the close-enough dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday September 02, @09:38 (The Almighty Buck) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1250224/Woman-Wins-Libel-Suit-By-Suing-Wrong-Websi|

An anonymous reader writes "It appears that Cincinnati Bengals
cheerleader Sarah Jones and her lawyer were so upset by a comment on the
site TheDirty.com that they missed the 'y' at the end of the name.
Instead, [0]they sued the owner of TheDirt.com, whose owner didn't
respond to the lawsuit. The end result was a judge awarding $11 million,
in part because of the failure to respond. Now, both the owners of
TheDirty.com and TheDirt.com are complaining that they're being
wrongfully written about in the press ��� one for not having had any
content about Sarah Jones but being told it needs to pay $11 million, and
the other for having the content and having the press say it lost a
lawsuit, even though no lawsuit was ever actually filed against it."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100831/18025610848.shtml

| Samsung Shows Off Galaxy Tab, Android Allegiance |
| from the looks-pretty-sexy dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @09:44 (Handhelds) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1315228/Samsung-Shows-Off-Galaxy-Tab-Android-All|

cgriffin21 writes "Samsung is making no bones about it: Google Android is
its future. And with the [0]revealing of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the
company is showing that it's all in when it comes to Android. At the IFA
consumer electronics show in Berlin, Samsung finally pulled the curtain
off the long-rumored and teased Galaxy Tab, the electronics maker's
touch-screen tablet and answer to the Apple iPad."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.crn.com/news/client-devices/227300001/samsung-shows-off-galaxy-tab-vows-allegiance-to-google-android.htm;jsessionid=qm4fstr-vmQiDgfev3g8SQ**.ecappj01

| Ping Could Be Apple's Social Networking Backdoor? |
| from the i-don't-think-it's-a-secret dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @10:37 (Music) |
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/148240/Ping-Could-Be-Apples-Social-Networking-Bac|

rsmiller510 writes "Could Apple's announcement about Ping, a music-based
social network be Apple's [0]social networking trojan horse? Facebook
might want to be concerned." Of course it is. Update: 09/02 19:26 GMT by
[1]T : Jamie points out this post on Daring Fireball, according to which
Steve Jobs blames the non-integration on "[2]onerous terms" suggested by

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.internetevolution.com/author.asp?section_id=1047&doc_id=196416&
1. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/
2. http://daringfireball.net/linked/2010/09/02/jobs-ping-facebook

| Facebook Post Juror Gets Fined, Removed, Assigned Homework |
| from the i'll-do-it-tomorrow dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @11:23 (It's funny. Laugh.) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1424237/Facebook-Post-Juror-Gets-Fined-Removed-Assi|

eldavojohn writes "A Michigan judge [0]removed a juror after a Facebook
comment and also fined her $250 and required her to write a five-page
paper about the constitutional right to a fair trial. The juror was 'very
sorry' and the judge chastised her, saying, 'You violated your oath. You
had decided she was already guilty without hearing the other side.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gZky_eRauY9btJHlZo78oHukPCBgD9HVQKF80

| Open Source PS3 Jailbreak Released |
| from the out-of-the-bag dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @12:09 (Open Source) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1530210/Open-Source-PS3-Jailbreak-Released |

[0]tlhIngan writes "Despite all the lawsuits and [1]injunctions by Sony
to keep the PS3 Jailbreak out of modder's hands, it appears that a third
party has made a clone. The best part is, it only requires a cheap
(approximately $40) development board by Atmel, and the [2]requisite
software is open-source. Get the [3]Atmel code from GitHub and apply a
[4]small patch which will enable backup play (the code by itself only
lets you run unsigned code, the patch allows for BD backups). The code is
GPLv3. It would be highly ironic if someone ported this to Linux USB
Gadgets, then you could use a Linux device to jailbreak your PS3, to
which Sony removed Linux functionality. An Android phone would be

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:slashdot@%5B%5Df.net%5B'wor'ingap%5D
1. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/08/27/150227/Sony-Halts-Sales-of-PS3-Jailbreak-Dongle
2. http://www.ps3news.com/PS3-Hacks/psgroove-open-source-ps-jailbreak-ps3-exploit-is-released/
3. http://github.com/psgroove/psgroove
4. http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks/psgroove-open-source-ps-jailbreak-ps3-exploit-released-112277.html#post300410

| Another Gulf Oil Rig Explodes |
| from the here-we-go-again dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @12:20 (News) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1618206/Another-Gulf-Oil-Rig-Explodes |

A few readers have noted that another [0]gulf oil rig has exploded. This
one is off the coast of Lousiana. So far all the workers are accounted
for, but they are in immersion suits waiting for rescue.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/02/rescue-efforts-underway-after-oil-rig-accident-in-gulf/?hpt=T2

| Cisco Planning To Acquire Skype |
| from the can-you-see-me-now dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday September 02, @12:56 (Google) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/167232/Cisco-Planning-To-Acquire-Skype |

rexjoec writes "Cisco is [0]making a bid for Skype. The deal, if
successful, would derail a [1]planned initial public offering from Skype
and redraw the battle lines in the lucrative market of video
communications." The rumored price is $5B.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.zacks.com/stock/news/39653/Cisco+Planning+to+Acquire+Skype
1. http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/09/1648204/Skype-Files-For-IPO

| New German Government ID Hacked By CCC |
| from the danke-sehr-fuer-die-papieren dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @13:53 (Government) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1747213/New-German-Government-ID-Hacked-By-CCC |

wiedzmin writes "Public broadcaster ARD's show 'Plusminus' teamed up with
the known hacker organization '[0]Chaos Computer Club' (CCC) to find out
how secure the controversial new radio-frequency (RFID) chips were. The
report shows how they used the basic new home scanners that will go along
with the cards (for use with home computers to process the personal data
for official government business) to demonstrate that [1]scammers would
have few problems extracting personal information. This includes two
fingerprint scans and a new six-digit PIN meant to be used as a digital
signature for official government business and beyond." [2]That was quick.
Earlier this year, CCC hackers [3]demonstrated vulnerabilities in German
airport IDs, too.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Computer_Club
1. http://www.thelocal.de/sci-tech/20100824-29359.html
2. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/08/22/0217255/Germany-To-Roll-Out-ID-Cards-With-Embedded-RFID
3. http://it.slashdot.org/story/10/01/15/0744204/Airport-Access-IDs-Hacked-In-Germany

| AMD Hates Laptop Stickers As Much As You Do |
| from the boil-the-marketing-folks-in-goo dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @14:39 (Advertising) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/180221/AMD-Hates-Laptop-Stickers-As-Much-As-You-|

pickens writes "David Pogue writes in the NY Times that when you buy a
new Windows PC, it comes [0]festooned with stickers on the palm rests:
one for Windows, one for Skype, one for Intel, one for the laptop
company, maybe an Energy Star sticker and so on. 'It's like buying a new,
luxury car ��� and discovering that it comes with non-removable bumper
stickers that promote the motor oil, the floor mat maker, the
windshield-fluid company and the pine tree air freshener you have no
intention of ever using,' writes Pogue. But the worst thing is that when
you peel them off, they shred, leaving adhesive crud behind. 'When you've
just spent big bucks on a laptop, should you really be obligated to spend
the first 20 minutes trying to dissolve away the sticker goop with WD40?'
But AMD has a solution. Starting next year, AMD will switch to new
stickers that peel off easily, leaving no residue; after that, it's
considering eliminating the sticker program altogether."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/02/laptops-look-like-race-cars-and-not-in-a-good-way/

| UN Telecom Chief Urges Blackberry Data Sharing |
| from the best-interests-at-heart dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @15:26 (Privacy) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/197242/UN-Telecom-Chief-Urges-Blackberry-Data-Shari|

crimeandpunishment writes "The top man in telecommunications at the
United Nations is weighing in on the Blackberry battle ... and [0]he says
share the data. The UN's telecom chief says governments have legitimate
security concerns, and Research in Motion should give them access to its
customer data. In an interview with the Associated Press, Hamadoun Toure
said 'There is a need for cooperation between governments and the private
sector on security issues.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3105

| DNA-Less 'Red Rain' Cells Reproduce At 121 C |
| from the that-beats-most-hot-tubs dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @16:11 (Biotech) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1958231/DNA-Less-Red-Rain-Cells-Reproduce-At-12|

eldavojohn writes "A [0]new paper up for prepublication from the
[1]controversial solid-state physicist Godfrey Louis claims that the
cells Louis collected from [2]a Keralan red rain incident divide [3]and
produce daughter cells at 121 degrees Celsius. While unusual, this is not
unheard of as the paper recalls cells cultivated from hydrothermal vents
[4]are known to reproduce at 121 C as well. Of course, caution is
exercised when dealing with the possible explanation surrounding the
theory of [5]panspermia but the MIT Technology Review says researchers
'examined the way these fluoresce when bombarded with light and say it is
remarkably similar to various unexplained emission spectra seen in
various parts of the galaxy. One such place is the Red Rectangle, a cloud
of dust and gas around a young star in the Monocerous constellation.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.4960
1. http://sites.google.com/site/godfreylouis/home/rr2006
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_rain_in_Kerala
3. http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/25699/
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrolobus_fumarii
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panspermia

| GameStop Pulls <em>Medal of Honor</em> From Military Bases |
| from the not-for-you dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @17:03 (The Military) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/213220/GameStop-Pulls-Medal-of-Honor-From-Militar|

donniebaseball23 writes "EA's Medal of Honor reboot doesn't ship until
October 12, but it's [0]already seen a fair amount of controversy thanks
to the publisher's decision to allow people to play as Taliban in
multiplayer. The controversy just got escalated another notch, reports
IndustryGamers, as the world's biggest games retailer GameStop has
decided it [1]won't sell the title at its stores located on US military
bases. The new Medal of Honor won't be advertised at these stores either.
GameStop noted that they came to this decision 'out of respect for our
past and present men and women in uniform.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/ea-defends-taliban-decision-will-not-alter-medal-of-honor/
1. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/gamestop-pulls-medal-of-honor-from-stores-on-military-bases/

| Flash On Android Is 'Shockingly Bad' |
| from the not-so-flash dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @17:59 (Cellphones) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/2159237/Flash-On-Android-Is-Shockingly-Bad |

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Ryan Lawler writes on GigaOm that although many
have touted the availability of Flash on Android devices as a competitive
advantage over Apple's mobile devices, while trying to watch videos from
ABC.com, Fox.com and Metacafe using Flash 10.1 on a Nexus One over a
local Wi-Fi network connected to a 25-Mbps Verizon FiOS broadband
connection, mobile expert Kevin Tofel found that videos were slow to
load, if they loaded at all, leading to an [1]overall very inconsistent
experience while using his Android device for video. 'While in theory
Flash video might be a competitive advantage for Android users, in
practice it's difficult to imagine anyone actually trying to watch
non-optimized web video on an Android handset,' writes Lawler. 'All of
which makes one believe that maybe Steve Jobs was right to eschew Flash
in lieu of HTML5 on the iPhone and iPad.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/slashdot/
1. http://newteevee.com/2010/08/31/video-flash-on-android-is-startlingly-bad/

| Canon Develops 8 X 8 Inch Digital CMOS Sensor |
| from the you'lll-need-deep-pockets dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @18:39 (Input Devices) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/2226201/Canon-Develops-8-X-8-Inch-Digital-CMOS-Sen|

[0]dh003i writes "Canon has developed a [1]8 x 8 inch CMOS digital sensor.
It will be able to capture an image with 1/100th the light intensity
required by a DSLR and will be able to record video at 60 fps in lighting
half the intensity of moonlight. There are already many excellent quality
[2]lenses designed to cover 8 x 10 inches, although Canon may develop
some of their own designed specifically for their requirements."

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:dh003i.gmail@com
1. http://www.dpreview.com/news/1008/10083101canonlargestsensor.asp
2. http://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/LF8x10in.html

| Video Appliance For a Large Library On a Network? |
| from the wants-it-all-in-one-place dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @19:21 (Data Storage) |
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/2319259/Video-Appliance-For-a-Large-Library-On-a-Ne|

devjj writes "For the past year or so I have been trying (and failing) to
figure out a reasonable solution for bringing my large media library to
my living room. All of my media lives on an Ubuntu server that sits on my
network. It's been very reliable and it's fast enough for streaming
purposes. My content is exposed via SMB. It's the living room side where
I keep running into problems. I am currently using Windows 7 and XBMC,
but the case is too big and noisy, I don't particularly care for Windows,
and the whole thing just seems overkill. What I want is a device that can
present a decent UI that the non-Slashdot crowd would be able to use, but
that is still powerful enough to stream full-fidelity 1080p. I dream of a
small box that can transcode video over a network, but that's probably a
pipe dream. The new Apple TV would be great if it could connect to
network shares. What say you, Slashdot? Is what I'm looking for possible,
or should I just give in to the iTunes/Amazon/whatever juggernauts?"

Discuss this story at:

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