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Opinion Today: Rooms Worth Keeping

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, go to: http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2010/09/03/opinion/opiniontodayemail/index.html
Living Rooms

Rooms Worth Keeping

What draws museum visitors to carefully preserved period rooms?


Wall Street's Still-Warped Incentives

An exchange with Senator Carl Levin about Goldman Sachs and the new financial reform law.

Room for Debate

To Nap or Not to Nap

Should Americans take more naps? Would they be more productive if they did?

Video Bloggingheads

Blame Bush?

Noam Scheiber of The New Republic and Megan McArdle of The Atlantic debate whether President Obama should campaign against predecessor.

Dot Earth

Another Item for Climate Panel's To-Do List

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change would do well to cultivate contacts between its authors and reporters in poor countries.

Schott's Vocab


An unlikely eponym, modestly defined by its subject Peter Mandelson, as "subtle, strategic, hard-working and ultimately very loyal."

Conscience of a Liberal

Paradoxes of Deleveraging and Releveraging

Sometimes the solution to debt is more debt.


Life Imitates Franzen

9/11, the Discovery Channel hostage-taker, and the weird timeliness of Jonathan Franzen.

Freakonomics on NYTimes.com Op-Ed Podcast

The authors Steven Levitt, Stephen Dubner and guest contributors blog about the hidden side of the economy.


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