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Climate & Politics: Bill McKibben's call for action

Grist: Top environmental news from around the globe

Take a Michigander

Michigan governor’s race: Snyder vs. Bernero

Michigan Republican Rick Snyder is a high-tech venture capitalist, a one-time Nature Conservancy board member, and a Smart Growth backer who talks about investing in transit and reining in sprawl. And he could well become governor of a state with huge challenges and huge opportunities to reshape its economy. For enviros searching for the elusive "green Republican," he's worth tracking. Find out more about him.

And in Colorado, voters face a decision among a mayor who's promoted walkability; a Tea Partier who thinks bike-sharing is part of a U.N. scheme; or a third-party candidate who only talks about immigration. Find out more.


Lights, camera, direct action

A call for direct action in the climate movement: we need your ideas

Mass direct action must play a bigger role in the climate movement, say Bill McKibben, Philip Radford, and Rebecca Tarbotton. Think about possibilities for direct action, and tell us what you come up with.


paradox lost

The environmentalist’s paradox: we do better while the earth does worse

More people have more money, better health, more mobility, more food, and more security than ever before in human history. The natural world, however, is going to sh*t. What explains the disparity? David Roberts considers.


Skinny passionate guy talks to skinny sarcastic guy

Bill McKibben tells Letterman why he’s bringing solar back to the White House

Bill McKibben chats with David Lettermen about 350.org, his book Eaarth, and a new tour to bring rooftop solar back to the White House (Jimmy Carter installed panels; Ronald Reagan took them down; and students from Unity College in Maine, where they've been stored, are traveling to Washington to have them put back up). Hard worker, this guy. Watch the video!


The last living puppy

Does the RES stand a chance?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid dropped a hint last week that he may still try to get a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) into the Senate energy bill. According to Reid, there are two Republicans open to supporting it. Does it have a shot? Is there one tiny green puppy left that congressional Republicans won't stomp on? David Roberts explores.


Belly up, America!

Coal industry flack combines chutzpah and illogic into tasty agitprop stew

In response to a recent editorial, The New York Times received a letter from Steve Miller, head of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a coal industry front group. It is dense with illogic and deception, says David Roberts.


Partners in slime

BP report says there’s plenty of blame to spread around for Gulf explosion

In a report based on its own investigation, BP accepts some responsibility for the Deepwater Horizon explosion, but also points fingers at its partners. Plus, Germany's nuclear summer, and the mob moves into wind power. Read more.


couldn't punch their way out of a plastic bag

California bags the plastic bag ban but makes solar leap

The Golden State failed to ban plastic bags and may reverse its landmark climate bill, but it's also adding solar capacity like crazy. Thousands of megawatts are set to come on line in the near future. California's on a solar streak. Find out more.


Texaco (now Chevron) deliberately dumped 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the Amazon rainforest. The waste contaminated water, killed wildlife and endangered the lives of tens of thousands of indigenous men, women and children.
Demand that Chevron addresses one of the world's most egregious environmental disasters.

Koch brothers jump into Prop 23 fight
by Todd Woody

Obama: Rebuild America by slashing oil tax breaks
by Randy Rieland

Richard Burr: objectionable and vulnerable
by David Roberts

Will we ever get off oil? [AUDIO]
by Mary Bruno

Carly Fiorina fumbles on Prop 23 issue during California Senate debate
by Joseph Romm

Latest Gulf oil well explosion was no disaster, but what does it say about offshore drilling?
by Randy Rieland

BP takes share of blame for Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Feds lease prime solar land, but nary a panel is in sight
by Randy Rieland

California’s Prop 23 is bad news for Latino families
by Jorge Madrid

New rules push oil inspectors to clean up their act
by Randy Rieland

How will you keep walruses from learning to fly?
by Ashley Braun

BP spill costs hit $8 billion as crews unearth clues

District energy 101
by Sean Casten


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