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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* The State of Mapping APIs, 5 Years On
* Mozilla Labs To Promote Open Web Gaming
* Dual-Core CPU Opens Door To 1080p On Smartphones
* Infinite Mario With Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment
* Translating Brain Waves Into Words
* Rupert Murdoch Publishes North Korean Flash Games
* The Effect of Snake Oil Security
* Google Logo Changes Again, Hinting RT Search?
* Asteroids Flyby: 2010 RF12 & 2010 RX30
* Can NetBooks & Tablets Co-Exist?
* Researchers Discover Irresistible Dance Moves
* Assange Asks For New Lawyer, Denies Blaming CIA
* European Parliament All But Rejects ACTA
* Tractor Beams Come To Life
* University Offers Class In Zombie Studies
* BP's Gulf Spill Report Shows String of Failures
* Narcissists, Insecure People Flock To Facebook
* Google Instant Announced
* Cooking For Geeks
* Lo-Fi Phones and the Future
* Microsoft Suspends Gamer For Being From Fort Gay
* School Swaps Math Textbooks For iPads
* How 6 Memorable Tech Companies Got Their Names
* Anti-Product Placement For Negative Branding
* Solar Cells Made From Bioluminescent Jellyfish
* Online Ads, Privacy Remain In FTC Crosshairs
| The State of Mapping APIs, 5 Years On |
| from the where-are-you-now dept. |
| posted by timothy on Tuesday September 07, @20:19 (Earth) |
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/09/07/2323249/The-State-of-Mapping-APIs-5-Years-On|
macslocum writes "Map APIs took off in 2005, and during the ensuing years
the whole notion of maps has changed. Where once they were slick add-ons,
map functionality is now a necessary ��� and expected ��� tool. In this
piece, Adam DuVander looks at the [0]current state of mapping and he
explains how mobile devices, third-party services and ease of use are
shaping the map development world."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://radar.oreilly.com/2010/09/the-state-of-mapping-apis-five.html
| Mozilla Labs To Promote Open Web Gaming |
| from the good-idea-oh-lord dept. |
| posted by timothy on Tuesday September 07, @23:09 (Firefox) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/0237212/Mozilla-Labs-To-Promote-Open-Web-Gaming |
An anonymous reader writes "Mozilla Labs has started an [0]initiative to
promote and develop gaming based on Open Web technologies. They write,
'We are excited to present to you the latest initiative from Mozilla
Labs: Gaming. [1]Mozilla Labs Gaming is all about games built, delivered
and played on the Open Web and the browser. We want to explore the wider
set of technologies which make immersive gaming on the Open Web possible.
We invite the wider community to play with cool, new tech and aim to help
establish the Open Web as the platform for gaming across all your
Internet connected devices.' To that end Mozilla Labs will launch [2]Game
On 2010, a game development competition, at the end of September."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://mozillalabs.com/gaming/2010/09/07/welcome-to-mozilla-labs-gaming/
1. http://mozillalabs.com/gaming
2. https://gaming.mozillalabs.com/
| Dual-Core CPU Opens Door To 1080p On Smartphones |
| from the you'll-need-retina-display-mk2 dept. |
| posted by timothy on Wednesday September 08, @02:17 (Cellphones) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/0559200/Dual-Core-CPU-Opens-Door-To-1080p-On-Sma|
An anonymous reader writes "Following Qualcomm, Samsung is also close to
launching a new smartphone processor with two cores. Based on ARM
architecture, the new Orion processor promises [0]five times the graphics
performance of current chips and to enable 1080p video recording and
playback. Next year, it seems, dual-core smart phones will be all the
rage. Apple, which is generally believed to have the most capable
processor in the market today, may be under pressure to roll out a
dual-core iPhone next year as well."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.conceivablytech.com/2608/products/samsung-opens-the-door-to-1080p-on-smartphones/
| Infinite Mario With Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment |
| from the there's-always-another-castle dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 08, @03:29 (Games) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/055245/Infinite-Mario-With-Dynamic-Difficulty-Adj|
bgweber writes "There's been a lot of discussion about whether games
should [0]adapt to the skills of players. However, most current
techniques limit adaptation to parameter adjustment. But if the parameter
adaptation is applied to [1]procedural content generation, then new
levels can be generated on-line in response to a player's skill. In this
adaptation of Infinite Mario ([2]with source [.JAR]), [3]new levels are
generated based on the performance of the player. What other gameplay
mechanics are open for adaptation when games adapt to the skills of
specific players?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://games.slashdot.org/story/09/10/13/078247/Should-Computer-Games-Adapt-To-the-Way-You-Play
1. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/04/24/2327249/IEEE-Introduces-Mario-Level-Generation-Competition
2. http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~bweber/mario/AdaptiveMario.jar
3. http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~bweber/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=infinite_adaptive_mario
| Translating Brain Waves Into Words |
| from the brain-tsunamis-too-intense dept. |
| posted by timothy on Wednesday September 08, @05:10 (Biotech) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/0633227/Translating-Brain-Waves-Into-Words |
[0]cortex writes with an excerpt from the L.A. Times: "In a first step
toward helping severely paralyzed people communicate more easily, Utah
researchers have shown that it is [1]possible to translate recorded brain
waves into words, using a grid of electrodes placed directly on the
brain. ... The device could benefit people who have been paralyzed by
stroke, Lou Gehrig's disease or trauma and are 'locked in' ��� aware but
unable to communicate except, perhaps, by blinking an eyelid or arduously
moving a cursor to pick out letters or words from a list. ... Some
researchers have been attempting to 'read' speech centers in the brain
using electrodes placed on the scalp. But such electrodes 'are so far
away from the electrical activity that it gets blurred out,' [University
of Utah bioengineer Bradley] Greger said. ... He and his colleagues
instead use arrays of tiny microelectrodes that are placed in contact
with the brain, but not implanted. In the current study, they used two
arrays, each with 16 microelectrodes."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:neuralsci@netscape.net
1. http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-brain-words-20100908,0,7072167.story
| Rupert Murdoch Publishes North Korean Flash Games |
| from the wonder-if-they're-paywalled dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 08, @06:33 (United States) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/0514228/Rupert-Murdoch-Publishes-North-Korean-Fla|
eldavojohn writes "You might recall back in June when it was noted that
North Korea was [0]developing and exporting flash games. Now, the
isolated nation state is apparently [1]home to some game developers that
are being published by a subsidiary of News Corp. (The games include Big
Lebowski Bowling and Men In Black). [2]Nosotek Joint Venture Company is
treading on thin ice in the eyes of a few academics and specialists that
claim the Fox News owner is 'working against US policy.' Concerns grow
over the potential influx of cash, creating better programmers that are
then leveraged into cyberwarfare capabilities. Nosotek said that
'training them to do games can't bring any harm.' The company asserts its
innocence, though details on how much of the games were developed in
North Korea are sparse. While one of the poorest nations in the world
could clearly use the money, it remains to be seen if hardliner opponents
like the United States will treat Nosotek (and parent company News Corp.)
as if they're fostering the development of computer programmers inside
the DPRK. The United Nations only stipulates that cash exchanged with
companies in the DPRK cannot go to companies and businesses associated
with military weaponry or the arms trade. Would you feel differently
about Big Lebowski Bowling if you knew it was created in North Korea?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/06/13/1740240/North-Korean-Flash-Games-For-Export
1. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-06/kim-jong-il-bowls-for-murdoch-dollars-with-video-games-made-in-north-korea.html
2. http://www.nosotek.com/
| The Effect of Snake Oil Security |
| from the homeopathic-snake-oil-is-better dept. |
| posted by timothy on Wednesday September 08, @08:12 (Google) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/065207/The-Effect-of-Snake-Oil-Security |
Trailrunner7 writes "Threatpost has a guest column by Robert Hansen (aka
Rsnake) about the long-term effects of snake-oil security products. 'I've
talked about this a few times over the years during various presentations
but I wanted to document it here as well. It's a concept that I've been
wrestling with for 7+ years and I don't think I've made any headway in
convincing anyone, beyond a few head nods. Bad security [0]isn't just bad
because it allows you to be exploited. It's also a long term cost center.
But more interestingly, even the most worthless security tools can be
proven to "work" if you look at the numbers.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/effect-snake-oil-security-090710
| Google Logo Changes Again, Hinting RT Search? |
| from the i-prefer-fake-time dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @09:01 (Google) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1212244/Google-Logo-Changes-Again-Hinting-RT-Searc|
siliconbits writes "The Google homepage is sporting a new logo that
[0]changes color as you type, and it is likely a big hint as to what the
company will announce at its search event on Wednesday. When you arrive
on the search giant homepage today, you will be greeted with a gray
Google doodle."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://mashable.com/2010/09/08/google-color-logo/
| Asteroids Flyby: 2010 RF12 & 2010 RX30 |
| from the duck-and-cover dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @09:45 (Space) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/137231/Asteroids-Flyby-2010-RF12-amp-2010-RX30 |
[0]Ernesto Guido writes "Two small asteroids (2010 RF12 & 2010 RX30) will
pass [1]within the Moon's distance of Earth today, September 08, 2010."
One is 6-14 meters and the other is 10-20, so even if they change course,
don't expect Bruce Willis to be called in.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://remanzacco.blogspot.com/
1. http://remanzacco.blogspot.com/2010/09/asteroids-flyby-2010-rf12-2010-rx30.html
| Can NetBooks & Tablets Co-Exist? |
| from the gobble-gobble-gobble dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @10:32 (Portables) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1412243/Can-NetBooks-amp-Tablets-Co-Exist |
bsk_cw writes "According to Computerworld's Serdar Yegulalp, there has
been a lot of talk about whether [0]the iPad will take the place of the
netbook ��� or, in fact, whether it will eat into the market share for more
mainstream desktop and laptop computers. But, he continues, the iPad has
a long way to go before it becomes a netbook killer ��� if only because it
has created a space all its own."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9183179/Netbooks_vs._iPads_can_they_coexist_
| Researchers Discover Irresistible Dance Moves |
| from the gene-gene-the-dancing-machine dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @10:48 (Idle) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/132250/Researchers-Discover-Irresistible-Dance-Mov|
sciencehabit writes "To find out if [0]certain dance moves are more
attractive to women than others, researchers recruited a bunch of college
guys and used motion-capture to create avatars of them dancing. When
women watched the avatars (2 videos included in story), the men they
found most attractive were those who kept their heads and torsos moving
without flailing their arms and legs. The researchers say dancing is thus
an honest signal to women of the man's strength and health, just as it is
in crabs and hummingbirds, who also move in special ways to attract
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/09/these-dance-moves-are-irresistib.html
| Assange Asks For New Lawyer, Denies Blaming CIA |
| from the these-make-me-cringe dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @11:09 (News) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1421208/Assange-Asks-For-New-Lawyer-Denies-Blaming|
Tootech writes "Julian Assange has [0]requested a new lawyer to represent
him during a rape investigation in Sweden because his previous brief,
Leif Silbersky, was not engaged enough with the case. Assange wants Bjorn
Hurtig to represent him as authorities continue to investigate the
allegations, according to AP. Assange told Sweden's TV4 that he had never
blamed the CIA for the "smears""
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/08/assange_lawyer/
| European Parliament All But Rejects ACTA |
| from the actaing-out-loud dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @11:49 (Censorship) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1510255/European-Parliament-All-But-Rejects-ACTA |
An anonymous reader writes "European Parliament today adopted Written
Declaration 12/2010 which basically [0]tells the Commission to all but
drop the negotiations. From the article: 'Citizens from all around Europe
[1]helped to raise awareness about ACTA among Members of the European
Parliament (MEPs) by collecting, one by one, more than 369 [of the MEPs']
signatures. With Written Declaration 12/20103, the European Parliament as
a whole takes a firm position to oppose the un-democratic process of the
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), and its content harmful to
fundamental freedoms and the Internet ecosystem.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.laquadrature.net/wiki/Written_declaration_ACTA_12/2010
1. http://www.laquadrature.net/en/european-parliament-vs-acta-rejection-is-the-only-option
| Tractor Beams Come To Life |
| from the da-da-da-dadada-dadada dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @12:26 (Science) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1558201/Tractor-Beams-Come-To-Life |
Jamie is helping bring our childhood fantasies/nightmares to life with a
link that says "Andrei Rhode, a researcher involved with the project,
said that existing optical tweezers are able to move particles the size
of a bacterium a few millimeters in a liquid. Their [0]new technique can
move objects one hundred times that size over a distance of a meter or
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.physorg.com/news203157529.html
| University Offers Class In Zombie Studies |
| from the brains-for-brains dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @12:31 (Education) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1343227/University-Offers-Class-In-Zombie-Studies |
Young people at The University of Baltimore will be able to [0]study the
zombie condition thanks to the newly available English 333. Students in
the class will watch 16 classic zombie films and read zombie comics.
Instead of writing a final research paper they may write a script or draw
storyboards for their own zombie movie. Unfortunately the class doesn't
seems to cover brain appreciation.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100907/ap_on_fe_st/us_odd_zombie_class_1
| BP's Gulf Spill Report Shows String of Failures |
| from the commence-the-finger-pointing dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @13:10 (Earth) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1612220/BPs-Gulf-Spill-Report-Shows-String-of-F|
eldavojohn writes "News [0]is out of [1]BP's report on the gulf spill
that shifts some of the blame on to other companies like Transocean that
worked with BP in erecting the Deepwater Horizon rig. If you were
affected by the spill, you might find the video, executive summary and
193 page report an interesting read. The summary outlines six or seven
major failures in safety and engineering that all built up to the deaths
of eleven workers and [2]widespread contamination of the gulf. From
incorrectly using seawater instead of drilling fluid to misinterpreting
pressure test results, this report is just BP's side of the story as
[3]the blowout preventer has been pulled up and is still on its way to
NASA where it will be analyzed by government investigators who will be
able to compile their own report."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-09-08/bp-report-says-many-factors-caused-macondo-oil-spill.html
1. http://www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=2012968&contentId=7064893
2. http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/05/03/212210/How-Bad-Is-the-Gulf-Coast-Oil-Spill
3. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129720165&ft=1&f=1007
| Narcissists, Insecure People Flock To Facebook |
| from the nobody-likes-this dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @13:50 (The Internet) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1621235/Narcissists-Insecure-People-Flock-To-Faceb|
Meshach writes "A study out of Canada claims that [0]Facebook is a magnet
for narcissists and people with low self-esteem. The theory is that these
people use the site as a means of self promotion or to feel important."
Discuss this story at:
| Google Instant Announced |
| from the thats-faster-than-before-then-right dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @14:04 (Google) |
| https://search.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1759217/Google-Instant-Announced |
GCPSoft writes with this quote from a Google announcement: "Google
Instant is a [0]new search enhancement that shows results as you type. We
are pushing the limits of our technology and infrastructure to help you
get better search results, faster. Our key technical insight was that
people type slowly, but read quickly, typically taking 300 milliseconds
between keystrokes, but only 30 milliseconds (a tenth of the time!) to
glance at another part of the page. This means that you can scan a
results page while you type."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.google.com/instant/#utm_campaign=launch&utm_medium=van&utm_source=instant
| Cooking For Geeks |
| from the read-all-about-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @14:47 (Books) |
| https://books.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1230234/Cooking-For-Geeks |
jsuda writes "You've got to have a lot of confidence and nerve to write
and try to sell a nearly 400 page book on cooking to the take-out pizza
and cola set. No cookbook is likely to turn many geeks into chefs or take
them away from their computer screens. However, even though Cooking for
Geeks contains a large number of recipes, it is not a conventional
cookbook but a scientific explanation of the how and why of cooking which
will certainly appeal to that group, as well as to cooking professionals
and intellectually curious others." Read on for the rest of jsuda's
This story continues at:
Discuss this story at:
| Lo-Fi Phones and the Future |
| from the who-needs-it dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday September 08, @15:28 (Communications) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1629200/Lo-Fi-Phones-and-the-Future |
bossanovalithium writes "Back in 1936 ��� 74 years ago ��� boffins accepted
that about 3.3Khz was [0]the accepted frequency that telephone calls are
going to run on and it's been like that, generally, ever since. Call
quality is reasonable but leaves a lot to be desired. Think calls from
Skype to Skype where quality is often crystal clear." It's crazy to me
that (for people with decent mics at least) Ventrillo sounds better than
corporate conference calls.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.techeye.net/business/how-and-why-telephones-are-going-to-get-a-whole-lot-better
| Microsoft Suspends Gamer For Being From Fort Gay |
| from the welcom-to-hell-michigan dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @16:12 (Microsoft) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/1913210/Microsoft-Suspends-Gamer-For-Being-From-Fo|
maclizard writes "The town's name is real. But when Josh Moore tried to
tell Seattle-based Microsoft and the enforcement team at Xbox Live that
[0]Fort gay was a real place, they wouldn't take his word for it. Or
Google it. Or check the U.S. Postal Service website for a ZIP code. I
personally feel for those of you from Big Bone Lick, KY"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20015821-71.html
| School Swaps Math Textbooks For iPads |
| from the there-goes-the-tech-budget dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @16:55 (Education) |
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/191208/School-Swaps-Math-Textbooks-For-iPads |
MexiCali59 writes "Four of California's largest school districts will be
trying something new on eighth-grade algebra students this year:
[0]giving them iPads instead of textbooks. The devices come pre-loaded
with a digital version of the text, allowing students to view teaching
videos, receive homework assistance and input assignment all without
picking up a pen or paper. If the students with iPads turn out to do
improve at a faster pace than their peers as expected, the program could
soon spread throughout the Golden State."
Discuss this story at:
| How 6 Memorable Tech Companies Got Their Names |
| from the what's-in-a-name? dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @17:36 (Google) |
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/2118200/How-6-Memorable-Tech-Companies-Got-Their-|
itwbennett writes "If Larry Page and Sergey Brin had stuck with the first
name for their search engine, [0]we'd be 'BackRubbing' instead of
Googling. But the fun doesn't stop there. The unforgettable Go Daddy was
first saddled with the eminently Seussian moniker 'Jomax Technologies.'
And as for Yahoo!... its original name just rolled off the tongue: 'Jerry
and David's Guide to the World Wide Web.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.itworld.com/business/119860/how-6-memorable-tech-companies-got-their-names
| Anti-Product Placement For Negative Branding |
| from the touch-of-death dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @18:12 (Advertising) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/2127213/Anti-Product-Placement-For-Negative-Brandi|
An anonymous reader writes "Product placement to promote your brand just
isn't enough any more. These days, apparently, some companies are
resorting to [0]anti-product placement in order to get competitors'
products in the hands of 'anti-stars.' The key example being Snooki from
Jersey Shore, who supposedly is being sent handbags by companies... but
the bags being sent are of competitors' handbags as a way to avoid Snooki
carrying their own handbag, and thus potentially damaging their brand."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100823/05075610736.shtml
| Solar Cells Made From Bioluminescent Jellyfish |
| from the cnidaria-power dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @18:19 (Biotech) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/2132250/Solar-Cells-Made-From-Bioluminescent-J|
An anonymous reader writes "Swedish researchers have devised a way to
[0]turn bioluminescent jellyfish into solar cells. It works like this:
the green fluorescent protein (GFP) that makes the Aequorea victoria glow
is simply dripped onto a silicon dioxide substrate between two
electrodes. The protein works itself into strands between the electrodes.
When ultraviolet light is shined on the circuit, voila, the GFP absorbs
photons and emits electrons, generating a current. The GFP-powered cells
work like dye-sensitized solar cells, but don't require expensive
materials such as titanium dioxide."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn19416-green-machine-squeezing-solar-juice-from-jellyfish.html
| Online Ads, Privacy Remain In FTC Crosshairs |
| from the tracking-is-the-governments-job dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 08, @19:07 (Privacy) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/08/2159250/Online-Ads-Privacy-Remain-In-FTC-Crosshairs|
AC95 writes "The FTC wants to give users [0]a browser-based tool for
opting out of online behavioral tracking, a proposal that has privacy
advocates cheering and online advertisers up in arms. A key issue, says
FTC attorney Loretta Garrison, is that while most consumers know they're
tracked online, they don't fully appreciate how much information is
collected. Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media, worries about
knee-jerk legislation criminalizing mistakes that are an inherent part of
applying any new technology."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/article.php/3902571
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