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[GV Daily] Getting to Know the Global Voices Latin America Team

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Getting to Know the Global Voices Latin America Team
The Global Voices Latin America team of volunteer authors has grown over the past three years. During this transition and the presentation of a new Regional Editor, Silvia Viñas, let's take a look at the diverse community of committed bloggers from this region. >>Read more
China: Afterthoughts following the New Zealand earthquake
News of the lack of direct casualties and minimal damage done in New Zealand's earthquake this past week has provoked widespread discussion over how far China has come since the devastating earthquake in Sichuan province more than two years ago. >>Read more
Russia: Bloggers Clash With the Ruling Party
The Russian Internet community's response to the wildfires was accompanied with a high level of hostility and direct clashes between netizens and pro-government activists. Gregory Asmolov analyzes the conflict and suggests a strong linkage between the degree of online cooperation and the way online sources presented the role of the government in the wildfires disaster. >>Read more
Macedonia: Bronze Lions, Accountability & Transparency
The newly-erected statues of four bronze lions on a Skopje bridge attracted the attention of the Macedonian public by the end of August. The initial arrogant refusal of accountability by the statues' creators overshadowed the questionable artistic achievement related to these publicly funded felines. >>Read more
Brazil: "Do It Yourself" Clean Elections
School children being told to chant candidates' names by their teachers. Civil servants getting sacked for not campaigning for their political bosses. Zinc roofing being traded for votes. The public wholesaling of voters' personal data to campaigners. Death threats to those who denounce electoral crimes.Welcome to the unpleasant side of Brazilian electioneering.>>Read more
More posts on Global Voices today...
Colombia: Hiperbarrio Bloggers on Violence in Medellín
Brazil: A guide to tech for transparency projects in the 2010 elections
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Deborah Dilley, Digest Editor
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