Dear Newsmax Reader: Please find below a special message from our sponsor, American Vision Press. They have important information to share with you. Thank you. Newsmax.com |  Do you remember the Contract with America? Millions of Americans came together to demand action from Washington on issues ranging from abortion and gun rights to out of control spending and regulation. And we won. Conservative candidates swept the polls and held back Washington’s power grabs, waste and self-indulgence for almost a decade. That was 16 years ago. Since then, politicians have abandoned America. Election after election, we see the same results. Incumbents get comfortable, outsiders become insiders, and before we know it… everything we worked for vanishes in the haze of bloated budgets, waves of illegal immigration, and outbursts of federal power. It’s time for a new Contract. We have gathered the 10 most important conservative issues into a list that we demand action and adherence to: - Limited Government
- Gun Rights
- Courts
- Taxes
- Energy
- Personal Responsibility
- National Defense
- Borders
- Life
- States Rights
Join us in signing a new Patriot’s Contract. Together, we can hold our leaders accountable. Together we can sign our own Declaration of Independence. SIGN YOUR DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE TODAY! (There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!) We must spread the word if we are to make a difference. Patriot’s Contract will hit the pavement collecting signatures across America. We will use every means at our disposal. Phones, email, banner ads – even TV and radio ads if we can afford it. If we work together, we can get over 1 million Americans to support our cause. Patriot’s Contract will then demand action from our representatives. With over a million Americans crying with one voice to Stop the Madness, they will have no choice but to comply. It is vital you sign up for the Patriot’s Contract, and then share this site with your friends and family. Obama and his minions are running roughshod over our freedom, our safety, and our Constitution. The American way of life is at stake. Take action now! Sign your Declaration of Independence! Sign the Patriot's Contract. SIGN YOUR DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE TODAY! (There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!) | Petition Congress to REPEAL ObamaCare! |  SIGN PETITION TO REPEAL OBAMACARE TODAY! (There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!) In January 2011, America will have a new conservative Congress. Between now and the day they take office, we want to collect 1 million signatures demanding that this new Congress repeal the unconstitutional Health Care Reform Act signed by President Obama. We don't want the conservatives to cave under intense pressure from the media, so let your voice be heard! I, the undersigned citizen of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to protect the following rights and stop any legislation that would jeopardize them: SIGN PETITION TO REPEAL OBAMACARE TODAY! (There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!) | The Bible Obama DOES NOT want you to read... Back in print after 400 years! | 1599 Geneva Bible: Patriot's Edition "The Bible of The Second American Revolution" This Special Edition Includes: • 1599 Geneva Bible Text • 300,000 Study Notes • Prayer of George Washington • The Magna Carta • The Mayflower Compact • The Declaration of Independence • The Articles of Confederation • The Constitution of the United States • Amendments to the U.S. Constitution • Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior Between 1560 and 1599, The Geneva Bible was providentially unleashed upon a dark, discouraged, downtrodden English speaking world. Just when it looked as if the Machiavellian, Divine Right kings, such as the Tudors of England, were about to drive Christendom back to the days of Caesar worship, a Bible appeared that set the stage for a Christian Reformation of life and culture the likes of which the world had never seen. By the time of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, just 28 years after the first printing of the Geneva Bible, it was already being said of the English that they were becoming a “people of the Book.” The results of a people reading and obeying the Word of God were the explosion of faith, character, the first missionary movement in history, literature, economic blessing, and political and religious freedom. The Pilgrims brought the 1599 Geneva Bible with them when they arrived in the New World in 1620. All but forgotten in our day, this version of the Bible was the most widely read and influential English Bible of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. PAPERBACK EDITION | Petition to Protect The "Stolen Valor" Act! | The 9th Circus Court (US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit) in San Francisco ruled on Wednesday August 18th that the Stolen Valor Act is Unconstitutional. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005, signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006, is a U.S. law that broadens the provisions of previous U.S. law addressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, sale or claim (either written or oral) of any military decorations and medals. It is a federal misdemeanor offense, which carries a punishment of imprisonment for no more than 1 year and/or a fine; the scope previously covered only the Medal of Honor. The 9th Circus Court claimed that it's okay to lie about one's military service because lying is a right protected by the First Amendment. After all, "it doesn’t really hurt anyone." So, how far could one take this freedom to lie? Is it now ok to impersonate a police officer? What about shouting "fire" in a crowded theater? What about calling in a fake bomb threat? Take this logic further and perjury would be protected by the first amendment. Worse yet, ruling against the Stolen Valor Act is another slap in the face of our brave troops -- the troops who protect the true meaning of the First Amendment. Out of control justices who want to legislate from the bench have made a mockery of our legal system and insulted our military. We encourage you to sign this petition to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, asking him to take up this appeal immediately and reverse this activist decision in the 9th Circuit. SIGN PETITION to Protect the "Stolen Valor" Act! (There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!) | © 2010 Patriot Update™ • Vision to America™ • The Christian Reader™ | | |
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