|  | Reason.tv: Filmmaker Michael Covel on Broke - The New American Dream
"[Politicians and the Federal Reserve] rigged the market," says financial author and filmmaker Michael Covel. "They rigged the market through interest rate manipulation and we're still paying for it today." In his documentary, Broke: The New American Dream , Covel explores the roots of the financial crisis, which he traces back to Netscape going public in 1995.
Covel sat down with Reason.tv's Ted Balaker to discuss the role politicians, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and media figures like CNBC's Jim Cramer played in the financial meltdown. Topics include: why Covel is down on "buy and hold" as an investment strategy and the differences between state lotteries and poker.
Click here to watch.
Assassinations Done Wrong: Obama's troubling embrace of the state secrets doctrine The Obama administration has argued that the president should be empowered to order the execution of a U.S. citizen-outside a war zone and without exhibiting an imminent threat to other citizens-without any oversight from the judicial or legislative branch of government. And as David Harsanyi notes, by using the protection-of-state-secrets argument, the administration is also asserting that the public has no right to know why. But if a president-any president-has the authority to assassinate a U.S. citizen without oversight, Harsanyi asks, what exactly can't a president do?
Pot Prohibitionist Prevarications: Five whoppers told by opponents of California's marijuana legalization initiative
With a month to go before California voters decide whether to legalize marijuana, says Senior Editor Jacob Sullum, Proposition 19's opponents have pinned their hopes on desperate arguments that illustrate the intellectual bankruptcy of the prohibitionist position. Sullum dissects five of their smelliest red herrings.
Hit & Run, Reason's Staff Blog Why Should Opponents of the War on Drugs Vote for Democrats?
This morning Radley Balko noted a Wall Street Journal story about "Democratic strategists" who hope that marijuana legalization initiatives can help draw young, left-leaning voters to the polls. The evidence of such an effect is less than overwhelming, and its impact is apt to be small, though possibly decisive in very close races. That consideration may help explain Jane Hamsher's interest in mobilizing pot-tolerant voters as well as the meager Republican support for her Just Say Now project. But more interesting is a point the Journal virtually ignores: Although Democrats take it for granted that drug policy reformers belong to them (and polls do show that supporters of California's Proposition 19 lean sharply toward Team Donkey), the party's candidates have very little to offer this constituency....
Click here to read more.
Posted by Jacob Sullum http://reason.com/blog/2010/10/06/why-should-opponents-of-the-wa
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