Advertisement | Judge Bars Major Witness From Terrorism Trial By BENJAMIN WEISER A witness cannot take the stand because prosecutors learned about him from interrogating the defendant in a secret C.I.A. jail overseas, a judge ruled.
U.S. Apologizes as Attacks in Pakistan Continue By JANE PERLEZ and WAQAR GILLANI Dozens of trucks were attacked as American officials apologized over a shooting that led to the border closing.
Rampant Fraud Threat to China’s Brisk Ascent By ANDREW JACOBS The faking of academic credentials in China leave many worrying about climbing the next rung on the economic ladder.
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"The Constitution is the rock upon which our nation rests. We must follow it not only when it is convenient, but when fear and danger beckon in a different direction. To do less would diminish us and undermine the foundation upon which we stand." JUDGE LEWIS A. KAPLAN OF UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT IN MANHATTAN, who barred testimony from a crucial witness in the first trial of a former Guantánamo detainee. |

Unusual Opposition to a Favorite for Nobel By ANDREW JACOBS and JONATHAN ANSFIELD A group of Chinese dissidents has urged the committee not to award the Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo.
Hungarian Towns Begin Cleanup of Nightmarish Red Sludge By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL Waves of red sludge turned picturesque villages into red-tinged towns out of science-fiction horror films.
Stronger Hezbollah Emboldened for Fights Ahead By THANASSIS CAMBANIS Hezbollah has rebuilt, rearmed and repopulated southern Lebanon since its 2006 war with Israel.
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Democrats in Tight Races Put Focus on Abortion Rights By KIRK JOHNSON In the campaign’s closing weeks, Democrats are working to convince voters that a conservative social agenda is waiting in the wings should Republicans be elected in large numbers.
Run for a Seat Thought Safe Turns Into a Battle By ERIK ECKHOLM Joe Manchin, a Democrat, was widely considered to be a shoo-in when he decided to compete to fill Robert C. Byrd’s term, but he is in a close fight.
Race for Seat That Was Once Obama’s Stirs Passion in Illinois By MONICA DAVEY In the minds of loyalists of both parties, an open seat in Illinois is still the president’s. That adds a layer of intensity to an already complicated campaign.
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On Oct. 7, 1985 Palestinian gunmen hijacked the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro in the Mediterranean with more than 400 people aboard. |
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