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Politics: Record Pace for Campaign Ads on TV

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The Caucus

Record Pace for Campaign Ads on TV

Media spending for television ads this election cycle is on track to hit $3 billion by the election.

Aides to President Obama hope that with independent support uncertain, liberal votes can put the Democrats over the top.
Political Memo

Obama Strains to Get Liberals Back Into Fold Ahead of Vote

Without offering regrets for policy choices that have angered liberals, President Obama is arguing that the Republicans are far worse.


The Caucus

Denial and Speculation Follow Woodward's Hint of a Clinton-Biden Swap

A remark by Bob Woodward that the White House is considering a change in the 2012 ticket is shot down by the White House, but not before it sparks speculation across Washington.

Democrats Seize on Minimum Wage Issue

Some strategists believe this campaign-year issue could help cast Republicans as out of touch during tough economic times.

Night Watch: Publicity- Shy Candidates

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC went to Delaware to try to find Christine O'Donnell, the state's Republican Senate nominee.

Welcome Back to Chicago, Rahm

A video from a rival's adviser shows the Chicago mayoral hopeful Rahm Emanuel getting a chilly reception on the campaign trail.

TimesCast: The Florida Senate Race

The latest edition of TimesCast analyzes why this election attracts so much attention nationally.

More on the 2010 Midterm Elections

Representative Alan Grayson, Democrat of Florida, walked with union members during a Labor Day rally in Orlando.

Florida Lawmaker Is a Proud Firebrand

Alan Grayson, a Congressman who is running for re-election, has been made a top target by Republicans.

Carl P. Paladino, a candidate for New York governor, after being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on Monday.

For Paladino, a Softer Edge, if Only Briefly

The more ornery side of Carl P. Paladino insists on being heard.

In Hartford, Fiery Exchanges in a Debate for Governor

Dannel P. Malloy, the Democratic nominee, and Thomas C. Foley, his Republican opponent, faced off Tuesday night in their first televised debate.

Canvassing on Sept. 25 in Tempe, Cesar Alcaraz, a volunteer for Promise Arizona, tried to persuade a couple to register to vote.

Latino Vote Turnout Likely to Lag, Poll Says

Arizona's immigration law may not bring the expected protest vote for Democrats, as just 51 percent of Latino registered voters say they will vote in November.

Voters Face Decisions on a Mix of Issues

In total, 155 measures are on the ballots in 36 states, a number roughly unchanged from previous years.

Political Times

Voter Disgust Isn't Only About Issues

A focus group of independent voters saw both parties, and the media and business, as symptoms of a larger societal ailment.


Understanding and Misunderstanding the 'Enthusiasm Gap'

When you hear the phrase "enthusiasm gap," what you should really be thinking of is the turnout gap.


Shifting Tides in Governors' Races: Brown Now 3-to-1 Favorite

Jerry Brown now looks to have a 75 percent chance of defeating Meg Whitman in California, while new polls move the needle in Illinois, New Mexico, Maryland and several other states.

Report Criticizes Government Over Spill Estimates

A report was sharply critical of the Obama administration's underestimations of the flow from the BP well.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner spoke at the Brookings Institution in Washington on Wednesday.

Geithner Calls for Global Cooperation on Currency

The administration is looking to the I.M.F. to help bring about greater flexibility by China on exchange rates.


Video: A Poll of Ohio Voters

The latest New York Times/CBS News poll shows that economic anxieties weigh heavy for Ohioans as they determine which political candidates will receive their votes in this year's midterm elections.

Interactive Feature: A Nonprofit's Republican Ties

Though Americans for Job Security says it is not aligned with a political party, a close look shows that its connections and choice of campaigns resemble those of a Republican political operation.


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