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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Can Large Scale NAT Save IPv4?
* Canadian Spammer Fined Over $1 Billion
* Panasonic Invite Gamers To the Jungle
* At Commonwealth Games, the World's Largest Aerostat
* Best Education Path To Learn Video Game Programming?
* New CCTV Site In UK Pays People To Watch
* US Military Orders Less Dependence On Fossil Fuel
* Chrome OS Arrives On the iPad — No, Seriously!
* Politically Motivated Cyber Attacks
* Tapping Solar Wind's Renewable Energy
* Apple Accepts, Then Rejects BitTorrent iPhone App
* Firefighters Let House Burn Because Owner Didn't Pay Fee
* W3C Says Don't Use HTML5 Yet
* Facebook Patents Location Social Networking
* Why Are We Losing Vertical Pixels?
* G2 Detects When Rooted and Reinstalls Stock OS
* Inventor Creates Flotation Device Bazooka
* Building the Realtime User Experience
* Gaming Mouse Changes Shape For a Custom Fit
* Top Reason for Facebook Unfriending Is Too Many Useless Posts
* Finding Lost IT With RFID
* Visible Light 'X-Ray' Sees Through Solid Objects
* China Becoming Intellectual Property Powerhouse
* Tech CEOs Tell US Gov't How To Cut Deficit By $1 Trillion
| Can Large Scale NAT Save IPv4? |
| from the who-will-have-the-last-ipv4-addy dept. |
| posted by timothy on Tuesday October 05, @20:17 (Networking) |
| |
Julie188 writes "The sales pitch was that IPv6, with its zillions of new
IP addresses, would eliminate the need for network address translation
altogether. But Jeff Doyle, one of the guys who literally wrote the book
on IPv6, suggests that not only will NAT be needed, but it will be
[0]needed to save IPv4 at the tipping point of IPv6 adoption. 'I've
[1]written previously that as we make the slow ��� and long overdue ���
transition from IPv4 to IPv6, we will soon be stuck with an awkward
interim period in which the only new globally routable addresses we can
get are IPv6, but most public content we want to reach is still IPv4.
[2]Large Scale NAT (LSN, also known as Carrier Grade NAT or CGN) is an
essential tool for stretching a service provider's public IPv4 address
space during this transitional period.'"
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| Canadian Spammer Fined Over $1 Billion |
| from the get-poor-quick-scheme dept. |
| posted by timothy on Tuesday October 05, @23:11 (Spam) |
| |
innocent_white_lamb writes "A man has been [0]fined ONE BEELYUN DOLLARS
(yes, really) for sending 4,366,386 spam messages that were posted on
Facebook. He was fined $100 for each message, and including punitive
damages he now owes $1,068,928,721.46. A ruling by a US District Court
judge in San Jose, California has now been upheld by the Quebec Superior
Court (the defendant lives in Montreal)."
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| Panasonic Invite Gamers To the Jungle |
| from the it's-all-fun-and-games dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday October 06, @01:01 (Portables (Games)) |
| |
donniebaseball23 writes "In a move that will instantly conjure up
memories of the infamous 3DO failure, Panasonic has once again [0]decided
to throw its hat into the gaming ring, unveiling an online-focused
handheld called the Jungle. It features a high-resolution display, a
D-pad, a touch pad, and a full mini-keyboard in addition to standard
gaming shoulder buttons. Wireless support is a given, as Panasonic is
talking heavily about the console's online features, but whether that's
Wi-Fi or 3G remains unclear. M2 Research analyst Billy Pidgeon said, 'The
Jungle is a highly specialized dedicated portable for a non-existent
market. This is an unprecedented hardware strategy, and probably for good
reason. If MMO players want to go more portable than a laptop, I guess
this would be the way to go. Frankly, [1]this looks like a non-starter.'"
An anonymous reader notes comments from NetDevil's Ryan Seabury, who
[2]thinks the decision to have the device run Linux is a mistake
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| At Commonwealth Games, the World's Largest Aerostat |
| from the more-interesting-than-the-sports dept. |
| posted by timothy on Wednesday October 06, @02:06 (Displays) |
GillBates0 writes "Last weekend saw the [0]world's largest aerostat of
its kind featured at the [1]opening ceremony of the [2]2010 Commonwealth
Games in Delhi. The helium balloon or [3]aerostat [4]measures 40x80x12
meters, [5]contains 20,000 cubic meters of helium and features lights,
mirrors, cameras, a 360 degree projection screen, projectors and a
reflective underbelly. During the show, it was raised 25 meters off the
ground and transformed into a giant Bodhi Tree and a meditating Buddha,
with giant puppets to complement the cultural performances beneath.
[6]These [7]slideshows tell the story."
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| Best Education Path To Learn Video Game Programming? |
| from the try-the-duke-nukem-technical-institute dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday October 06, @03:25 (Education) |
Proudrooster writes "Fellow Slashdotters, I have transitioned to teaching
and my students have asked me what is the best path to take to work in
the video game programming industry. Which would be of more benefit:
pursing a Computer Science degree or taking an accelerated program like
those at FullSail? I have a CS degree, and suspect that the CS degree
would be of more benefit in the long run, but I would like anyone in the
industry to share their wisdom and experience with my students trying to
follow in your footsteps. If you could recommend some programs in your
replies it would be appreciated." A couple other questions that might
help those students: what non-academic methods would you recommend to
students looking for a career in the games industry? What projects and
tools are good starting points for learning the ropes?
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| New CCTV Site In UK Pays People To Watch |
| from the people-to-watch-people dept. |
| posted by timothy on Wednesday October 06, @04:58 (Privacy) |
| |
pyrosine writes "Have you ever felt like being paid for watching live
CCTV footage? The BBC are reporting CCTV site, '[0]Internet Eyes' is
doing exactly that. Offering up to ��1000 to people who report suspicious
activity, the scheme seems an easy way to make money. Not everyone is
pleased with the scheme though; the Information Commissioner's Office is
worried it will lead to voyeurism or misuse, but what difference does it
make when you can find said webcams with a simple Google search?"
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| US Military Orders Less Dependence On Fossil Fuel |
| from the less-blood-for-oil dept. |
| posted by timothy on Wednesday October 06, @08:00 (Earth) |
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The NY Times reports that it can cost hundreds of
dollars to get each gallon of traditional fuel to forward base camps in
Afghanistan, so with enemy fighters increasingly attacking American fuel
supply convoys crossing the Khyber Pass from Pakistan, [1]the military is
pushing aggressively to develop, test and deploy renewable energy to
decrease its need to transport fossil fuels. 'Fossil fuel is the No. 1
thing we import to Afghanistan,' says Ray Mabus, the Navy secretary, 'and
guarding that fuel is keeping the troops from doing what they were sent
there to do, to fight or engage local people.' The 150 Marines of Company
I, Third Battalion, Fifth Marines, [2]will be the first to take renewable
technology into a battle zone, bringing portable solar panels that fold
up into boxes; energy-conserving lights; solar tent shields that provide
shade and electricity; solar chargers for computers and communications
equipment replacing diesel and kerosene-based fuels that would ordinarily
generate power to run their encampment."
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| Chrome OS Arrives On the iPad — No, Seriously! |
| from the because-you-can dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @08:43 (Operating Systems) |
Thinkcloud writes "A user named Hexxeh has posted a video online of the
[0]iPad running Google's upcoming Chrome OS. Hexxeh was able to put
Chrome OS on an iPad because the open source code for the operating
system is available in its Chromium state, but it's not necessarily true
that Apple will allow iPads to run other operating systems going forward.
That's typically not a level of openness found in the Apple playbook.
Nevertheless, it's worth considering what it might mean to have a robust
OS like Apple's on the same tablet as one that runs a cutting-edge
operating system like Chrome OS. Why wouldn't users love that?"
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| Politically Motivated Cyber Attacks |
| from the keep-'em-motivated dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @09:30 (Security) |
| |
Orome1 writes "According to a new report, 53 percent of critical
infrastructure providers report that their networks have experienced what
they perceived as [0]politically motivated cyber attacks. Participants of
the Symantec survey claimed to have experienced such an attack on an
average of 10 times in the past five years, incurring an average cost of
$850,000 during a period of five years to their businesses. Participants
from the energy industry reported that they were best prepared for such
an attack, while participants from the communications industry reported
that they were the least prepared."
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| Tapping Solar Wind's Renewable Energy |
| from the hope-that-works-out-for-ya dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @10:16 (Power) |
| |
A few folks noted a story making the rounds about the huge energy
potential just blowing past the planet [0]in the form of solar wind. This
research involves putting a satellite into orbit with a thousand-meter
cable and a 5,000-mile sail to generate more power than the earth
currently uses.
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| Apple Accepts, Then Rejects BitTorrent iPhone App |
| from the make-up-yer-mind-wouldja dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @10:59 (Iphone) |
An anonymous reader writes "Apple recently approved an iPhone app called
IS Drive, which lets users check and manage downloads from,
while also offering users the option to use the company's BitTorrent
service to download files to their ImageShack account. Once Apple got
wind of what the app was capable of, however, it was [0]promptly removed
from iTunes."
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| Firefighters Let House Burn Because Owner Didn't Pay Fee |
| from the deadle-serious-homeowner's-association dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @11:17 (Government) |
Dthief writes "From MSNBC: 'Firefighters in rural Tennessee let a home
burn to the ground last week because [0]the homeowner hadn't paid a $75
fee. Gene Cranick of Obion County and his family lost all of their
possessions in the Sept. 29 fire, along with three dogs and a cat. "They
could have been saved if they had put water on it, but they didn't do
it," Cranick told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. The fire started when the
Cranicks' grandson was burning trash near the family home. As it grew out
of control, the Cranicks called 911, but the fire department from the
nearby city of South Fulton would not respond.'"
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| W3C Says Don't Use HTML5 Yet |
| from the stop-dragging-yer-feet dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @11:39 (The Internet) |
| |
GMGruman writes "InfoWorld's Paul Krill reports that the W3C, the
standards body behind the Web standards, is [0]urging Web developers not
to use the draft HTML5 standards on their websites. This flies in the
face of HTML5 support and encouragement, especially for mobile devices,
by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and others. The W3C says developers should
avoid the draft HTML5 spec (the final version is not due for several
years) because of interoperability issues across browsers."
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| Facebook Patents Location Social Networking |
| from the wish-i-thought-of-locations dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @12:12 (Patents) |
bizwriter writes "Facebook just received a patent with broad claims that
would seem to cover much of what Google (GOOG) Latitude, Foursquare,
Gowalla, and others try to do in letting users share their locations with
others. [0]Patent number 7,809,805, called 'Systems and methods for
automatically locating web-based social network members,' covers people
manually entering a status, sending that and their location from a
wireless device, and sharing both the status and location with others.
Facebook's corporate value just took a big jump ��� and a number of other
companies might have to either [1]challenge the patent's validity or
consider licensing deals."
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| Why Are We Losing Vertical Pixels? |
| from the for-you-uriah dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @12:50 (Displays) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "Switching from 1600x1200 to wide 1680x1050 to
HD 1600x900, we are losing [0]more and more vertical space, thus it is
becoming less and less simple to read a full A4 page or a web page or a
function call. What's the solution for retaining the screen height we
need to be productive?"
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| G2 Detects When Rooted and Reinstalls Stock OS |
| from the back-to-the-beginning dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @13:33 (Google) |
RandyDownes writes "And you thought the Droid X's kill switch was bad.
HTC and T-Mobile's new G2 can [0]detect when it's been rooted and
responds by reinstalling the factory OS. This seems like a violation of
the Apache license Android is licensed under and is especially ironic
given Eric Schmidt's recent statement about not requiring carriers to
give consumers the option to install Google's own version of the OS.
Schmidt called it a violation of the principles of open source." Update:
10/06 17:47 GMT by [1]S : As readers have noted, the G2 is not from
Motorola. Here's [2]a better source, and here's the [3]XDA Developers
thread discussing the issue.
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1. mailto:soulskillatslashdotdotorg
| Inventor Creates Flotation Device Bazooka |
| from the point-shoot-and-save dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @13:37 (Australia) |
| |
Australian inventor Sam Adeloju has won the ��20,000 ($32,000) James Dyson
Award for inventing [0]the coolest piece of life-saving equipment ever.
The Longreach is a modified bazooka which can fire an expanding flotation
device up to 150m to a person in distress. From the article: "Mr Adeloju
told that the Longreach was inspired by a grenade-launch
training session with the Army Reserves. Weighing just 3.5kg, it shoots
the rescue device 150m in a manner similar to the way the army uses a
grenade launcher to deliver flares and aerial observation devices.
Hitting the water activates an expanding foam unit in the Longreach
rescue unit, which also incorporates LED illumination and a vortex air
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| Building the Realtime User Experience |
| from the read-all-about-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @14:23 (Book Reviews) |
| |
rheotaxis writes "Many professional web developers have spent years
building dynamic, database-driven web applications, but some of us, like
myself, want to make the user experience more interactive and
instantaneous. The book Building the Realtime User Experience, by Ted
Roden, is an introduction to some new techniques making that happen now.
New web servers like [0]Cometd and [1]Tornado power solutions that keep
HTTP connections open until data is available for the clients requesting
it, a technique called 'long-polling.' This means web developers can
provide a real-time user experience using HTTP for all sorts of client
devices now connecting to the Internet, not just web browsers, but mobile
devices as well." Read below for the rest of rheotaxis's review.
This story continues at:
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| Gaming Mouse Changes Shape For a Custom Fit |
| from the that-looks-kinda-cool dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday October 06, @15:12 (Games) |
crookedvulture writes "Most of us spend a considerable amount of time
with a mouse in our hand, but finding the right fit can be tricky. Mad
Catz subsidiary Cyborg Gaming attempts to solve that problem with its
adjustable Rat 7 mouse, which changes its size and shape to accommodate
different hands. This review takes a closer look at [0]the Rat's
customization options, its myriad of programmable buttons, and an
interesting scroll wheel for your thumb. Despite looking like a torture
device, the Rat is said to be very comfortable for gaming and even better
for general desktop use." Just look at the pictures. This is truly a
wacky device. I want one.
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| Top Reason for Facebook Unfriending Is Too Many Useless Posts |
| from the if-you-don't-have-any-thing-say dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @16:00 (Social Networks) |
alphadogg writes "The No. 1 reason why friends dump friends on Facebook
is when [0]they get fed up seeing too many useless posts, according to
new research out of the University of Colorado Denver Business School.
Posts about polarizing subjects such as politics and religion as well as
inappropriate and racist comments also sever many Facebook relationships,
according to Christopher Sibona, a PhD student in the Computer and
Science and Information Systems program. 'Researchers spend a lot of time
examining how people form friendships online but little is known on how
those relationships end,' said Sibona, whose research will be published
in January by the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
'Perhaps this will help us develop a theory of the entire cycle of
friending and unfriending.' Sibona surveyed more than 1,500 Facebook
users to get to the bottom of why people dump each other. Not
surprisingly, people who flood others with posts are at great risk of
being unfriended. 'The 100th post about your favorite band is no longer
interesting,' he said." Samzenpus likes this.
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| Finding Lost IT With RFID |
| from the tag-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @16:42 (Wireless Networking) |
| |
CWmike writes "Vendors are increasingly trying to sell users on the idea
that they need to stick RFID tags on IT equipment to keep track of it.
Users are interested in this technology because they would much rather
automate inventory tracking then go server-to-server with a bar code
scanner and clipboard. But the new push for RFID tags in data centers
also hints at a larger issue: [0]There may be a significant amount of
equipment that can't be located. And while out-of-sight, out-of-mind is
not always bad, there's a least one nagging problem: 'Ghost server'
systems, which may still be drawing power but perform no work and may be
difficult to locate. One vendor at the Afcom data center conference
suggests IT shops get some 'GPS for your assets.'"
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| Visible Light 'X-Ray' Sees Through Solid Objects |
| from the I'm-looking-through-you dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @17:31 (Medicine) |
disco_tracy writes "[0]Some day we may not need X-rays to see inside
people, thanks to a new way to decipher light that passes through opaque
surfaces. Normally visible light becomes too scattered to detect after
passing through opaque surfaces. But scientists in France have developed
a way to reconstruct images from light passing through such surfaces by
deciphering just how the material makes the light scatter. In the short
term the research will help improve the strength of telecommunications
signals and fiber optics cables, but years from now the technology could
supplement or even replace traditional ultrasounds for baby imaging and
X-rays for weapons detection at airports."
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| China Becoming Intellectual Property Powerhouse |
| from the great-patent-wall dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @18:20 (Government) |
eldavojohn writes "A lot of Westerners view China as little more than the
world's factory manufacturing anything with little regard to patents,
copyrights and trademarks. But [0]it seems as far as patents go, China is
moving on up. According to the WIPO, the company that applied for the
most patents in 2008 was not an American or Japanese company but China's
Huawei Technologies. And China has made astonishing ground recently
moving up to third place with 203,257 patent applications behind Japan
(500,000) and the United States (390,000). It remains to be seen if these
patents applications will come to fruition for China but it is evident
that they are [1]focusing on a new image as a leader in research and
development. The Korean article concentrates on 2008 but you can find
2009 statistics at [2]the WIPO's report on China along with some
statistics breaking down applications by industry."
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| Tech CEOs Tell US Gov't How To Cut Deficit By $1 Trillion |
| from the a-penny-saved dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday October 06, @19:10 (Government) |
alphadogg writes "The U.S. government can [0]save more than $1 trillion
over the next 10 years by consolidating its IT infrastructure, reducing
its energy use and moving to more Web-based citizen services, a group of
tech CEOs said in a report released Wednesday. [1]The Technology CEO
Council's report, delivered to President Barack Obama's National
Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, also recommends that the
U.S. government streamline its supply chains and move agencies to shared
services for mission-support activities. 'America's growing national debt
is undermining our global competitiveness,' said the council, chaired by
IBM CEO Samuel Palmisano. 'How we choose to confront and address this
challenge will determine our future environment for growth and
innovation.' If the cash-strapped U.S. government enacted all the
recommendations in the advocacy group's report, it could save between
$920 billion and $1.2 trillion by 2020, the group said. The federal
government could also reduce IT energy consumption by 25 percent, and it
could save $200 billion over 10 years by using advanced analytics to stop
improper payments, the report said."
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